How can I see PDF metadata?

View document metadata

  1. Choose File > Properties, and click the Additional Metadata button in the Description tab.
  2. Click Advanced to display all the metadata embedded in the document. (Metadata is displayed by schema—that is, in predefined groups of related information.)

How do I scrape metadata from a PDF?

Remove Metadata from PDF File Go to the “File” tab and choose the “Properties” > “Description” option. You can then view the metadata of the PDF document. You can edit and delete metadata as you want. Select the information that you want to delete.

How do I remove metadata from ExifTool?

ExifTool Command Examples

  1. View all the metadata for an image file by using the following command.
  2. Use the -all option to remove all metadata from a file.
  3. Use the -EXIF option to remove Exif data only from a file.
  4. Use the -overwrite_original option to remove all metadata without saving the backup files.

What is file metadata in Linux?

In the context of Unix or Linux file systems, “metadata” is information about a file: user ID of who owns it, permissions, file type (special, regular, named pipe, etc) and which disk-blocks the file uses. That’s all typically kept in an on-disk structure called an “inode”.

How can I see who modified a PDF?

If you go to the document properties of a PDF file (control or command d), if the proper metadata is available, it will list the creation date and time and modified date and time. This can help you determine if a pdf file has been modified since creation.

Can you tell when a PDF was edited?

With your original PDF and the one you want to check for changes now appearing in their appropriate document boxes, click on the blue COMPARE button below. Acrobat creates report, indicating number of changes made. Scroll down to view both PDFs side-by-side. Hoover over highlighted text to see what has been changed.

How do I remove all properties from a PDF?

If you right click and choose “properties” on the . pdf, then choose the “details” tab there is an option to “Remove Properties and Personal Information”. You can choose what to remove, either some or all of the properties.