What is Ren water?

Their water is constantly moving, therefore Yang Water people are very dynamic and likes to move from place to place all the time. Like water – which is able to go around objects and find a path through any crack – Yang Water people are very adaptable and can go around problems much better than other elements.

What does Yang water mean?

Dynamic Water Just like the water that rushes from the river, Yang Water people go after what they want despite any obstacle. These people are well liked because they don’t crush what’s blocking their way, they merely look for an alternate route and adapt.

What does Yang Metal mean?

Yang Metal represents a metal ore that is ready to be forged into a valuable tool or weapon. Newcomers to BaZi often do not pay attention to the Yin and Yang polarities to the elements, assuming that they don’t make a difference when the difference is actually huge.

What is a water personality?

Water personality type Their movement is fluid but can appear difficult. Water types are articulate, clever and introspective, self-contained and self-sufficient. They are penetrating, critical and scrutinising, seeking knowledge and understanding. They like to remain hidden, enigmatic and anonymous.

What is yin fire?

“Dietary irregularity and excessive consumption of cold or warm foods damage the Spleen and Stomach. Joy, anger, worry and fright weaken the Yuan Qi. If the Spleen and Stomach are depleted and the Yuan Qi weakened, Fire of the Heart becomes excessive on its own. This Fire of the Heart is a Yin Fire.

What does it mean if I am water element?

The water element is one of big feelings and imagination. Water signs are submerged in their surroundings, often sensing the hidden emotional reality. Water signs are attuned to waves of emotion, and often seem to have a built-in sonar for reading a mood.

What traits are associated with water?

Water sign traits:

  • Caring.
  • Cautious.
  • Emotional.
  • Intuitive.
  • Mysterious.
  • Sensitive.

Is Yin fire or water?

Water puts out fire. The yin (feminine) energy is a lake or pond, deep still water, or ebbing tide. Yang (masculine) is active water, ocean surf, strong river current, or rising tide. Yang water has a ferocious energy that can be harnessed or can be implacable and destructive.