How do you capture the brown bear in Metal Gear?

To avoid getting mauled, stand on top of a large rock and the bear won’t be able to attack Snake. Stay on top of the rocks and begin shooting Tranq rounds at it. It will take about 20+ Tranq rounds to put it to sleep. Once the bear is in a deep sleep, extract him out of there to complete the mission.

How do you knock out a legendary brown bear?

One single hit by the bear is enough to either kill you or require medical attention, at which point the bear strikes you again and you die anyway. The key to capturing him is to hit him with enough tranq darts to knock him out.

Can you tranquilize a bear in Metal Gear Solid 5?

Gameplay. In-game, the bears can be tranquilized with one shot (using the lowest-grade pistol) if caught by surprise and shot in the head.

How do you capture a bear?

There are various techniques used to capture bears e.g. live traps, leg snares and tranquilization. (Capture poles can also be used to catch cubs under 35 lbs.) These techniques are often used to avoid lethal approaches.

How do you extract a White Mamba without resistance?

Equip a non-lethal Sniper rifle and snipe Eli directly on the forehead from the northern side of the wrecked ship as he sits on his chair (stand on the dock for a good vantage point). If done correctly, Eli will immediately be tranquilized and you can extract him without needing to fight him.

How much do bear traps cost?

Water Sports

Bear Trap #6 Item #: HBC6 $487.00 Bear Trap #15 Item #: HBC15 $350.00
Duke #6 Bear Trap Item #: DUKE6 $386.20 Bear M-15 Humane Foot Snare Kit Item #: BEARM15 $7.36 – $69.20
WCS A-12 Bear Foot Snare Item #: WCS12 $30.87 – $165.00 Bear Fremont Humane Foot Snare Item #: BEARFRE $7.36 – $53.73

How do I get child Fulton MGSV?

Side Ops 113 unlocks the child Fulton. To unlock the Side Ops, you will have to complete Mission 26. Show activity on this post. You don’t actually need to research the Child-Safe Fulton Device to Fulton the kids.

How do you capture the legendary brown bear?

Capture the Legendary Brown Bear Bring DD along so that he can sniff out the bear’s location. The pesky brown bear (which has a white coat of fur, oddly) can be found just north of guard post #6 in the valley. Head northwest form the guard post and look for the crack in the wall you can climb up.

Is there a brown bear in MGS5?

The legendary brown bear appears in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. It is more difficult to neutralize than other brown bears, requiring more hits from tranquilizer rounds to be downed. ^ Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Kojima Productions (2015).

What is the name of the Bear in Metal Gear Solid V?

Main appearance(s) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. In 1984, Venom Snake encountered the legendary brown bear, which was a Himalayan brown bear (Ursus arctos isabellinus), in Afghanistan.

Is there a brown bear in the Phantom Pain game?

The legendary brown bear appears in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. It is more difficult to neutralize than other brown bears, requiring more hits from tranquilizer rounds to be downed. ^ Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Kojima Productions (2015). Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.