Is well liked hyphenated?

Hyphenating Compound Modifiers Before a Noun However, if the same phrase follows the noun, the hyphen is not necessary. The teacher is well liked. Her gown is floor length. Exception: Adverbs and words ending in –ly are not hyphenated before a noun.

Is well liked correct?

Definition of well-liked : liked by many people a well-liked restaurant He is well-liked by everyone.

How do you use well liked?

He is well liked by his fellow workers and by the management. He was also a good and enthusiastic soldier and a keen athlete, and he was very well liked in his regiment. She was well liked, but also somewhat awesomely respected. He was well liked and respected there and here.

What word means well liked?

admired, cherished, dear, esteemed, favorite, hallowed, loved, popular, prized, respected, revered, treasured, venerated, chic, contemporary, hot, mod, modern, new, smart.

Is well hyphenated?

The Associated Press Stylebook advises us to hyphenate well in a compound modifier both when it precedes a noun and when the compound follows the verb to be: a well-dressed man, the man is well-dressed. AP’s rationale is that retaining the hyphen in compound modifiers after the noun helps avoid confusion.

Is well made hyphenated?

Generally, when a compound modifier comes before the word it modifies, you need to use a hyphen in the compound (e.g., a high-impact advertisement or a well-made handbag). Compound words formed from comparatives or superlatives also need hyphens.

Is it well rounded or well rounded?

Well-rounded definition Comprehensively developed and well-balanced in a range or variety of aspects. A well-rounded scholar; a well-rounded curriculum.

Is it well behaved or well behaved?

Definition of well-behaved : behaving in a polite or correct way a well-behaved dog Your children are very well-behaved.

How do you say you are well-liked?

synonyms for well-liked

  1. admired.
  2. cherished.
  3. dear.
  4. esteemed.
  5. favorite.
  6. hallowed.
  7. loved.
  8. popular.

Why is well known hyphenated?

(Hyphenate: Well is an adverb followed by another descriptive word. They combine to form one idea in front of the noun.) The actress who accepted her award was well known. (Do not hyphenate: Well known follows the noun it describes, so no hyphen is used.)

When should a hyphen be used?

Generally, you need the hyphen only if the two or more words are functioning together as an adjective before the noun they’re describing. If the noun comes first, leave the hyphen out. This wall is load bearing. It’s impossible to eat this cake because it is rock hard.

Does well educated have a hyphen?

1. well-educated and well-dressed are hyphenated adjectives from the adverb well, referring to a participle adjective like educated or dressed. It should be taken as a unit.