How much money can you make selling WoW gold?

Well if you know the proper techniques, gold can sell as high as $15 for 200, which is easily made with the right strategy. Some will even go as far as to charge for delivery and tips are often given as well. Some players claim to be able to make 200 gold in under an hour.

Is buying gold in WoW Bannable?

Blizzard’s Terms of Service notes that buying gold is not encouraged and could result in your account getting banned, under the right circumstances. This is because Blizzard wants you to earn gold by completing quests, rather than leveling up by buying gold. It could be looked upon as unfair gameplay.

What is the best WoW gold buying site?

The Best Places to Buy WoW Gold (Don’t Get Scammed)

  • Eldorado.
  • InGameDelivery.
  • G2G.
  • iGVault.
  • The Bottom Line.

Can you make IRL money from WoW?

You are not allowed to buy or sell WoW items, products, or services for real money. Accounts involved in real money transactions may be penalized under our End User License Agreement. You can buy or sell WoW items and some in-game services for gold. If you want to buy or sell gold, you must use the WoW Token service.

Can I make real money from WoW?

The amount of money you can earn depends on how much time you can dedicate to the game to get what you are going to exchange, or what technique you use to get the money. Some people can get between 40 and 120 dollars in countries like Venezuela where the internet is not so stable.

How much do WoW players make?

Top Players

Player ID Total (Game)
1. Swapxy $203,474.35
2. Snutz $194,241.68
3. Fabss $145,387.44
4. Whaazz $138,875.00

How long does Blizzard ban for gold buying?

14-day ban for buying gold.

How long do you get banned on WoW for buying gold?

The temporary bans are pretty short, only 3 days in fact, but they also remove all the gold bought (and according to some unconfirmed reports, a lot of extra gold as well), and clearly state that future suspensions will be harsher and possibly even result in permanent bans.

What is the safest way to buy WoW gold?

Auction House – auction house method has high ratings and is perceived as the smoothest and safest way to purchase WoW gold. It is marked on the map. You just put the object on sale in the auction, for example in Stormwind City (Alliance) or Orgrimmar (Horde) and then the Auction Trade Seller buys it.

How long is the ban for buying gold WoW?

14-day ban for buying gold : r/classicwowtbc.