How do I write an economics IA?

How to Structure an Economics IA

  1. What you need to know before you write: Avoid writing anything that isn’t going to earn you marks.
  2. Here’s the Method:
  3. 1 Key words (150 Words)
  4. 2 Draw the Diagram (0 Words)
  5. 3 Fully explain your diagram (200 words)
  6. 5 Evaluate the proposal/solution/problem (300 words)

Where can I find an economics Ia article?

Guide to finding an article for Economics IA

  1. Go to
  2. Search for a keyword like “prices” Keywords you might try googling: prices, price cap, demand, supply, unemployment, inflation, dumping, exports, imports, etc.
  3. Select NEWS as in the picture below.
  4. Find the appropriate article.

Do quotes count IA economics?

The word count for your IB Economics commentary is 750 words, which excludes factors such as diagrams, citations, contents page, acknowledgements and other calculations including formulas.

What makes a good econ Ia article?

So what should you be looking for in an Economics IA Article? Ideally, it should be recent. This means at the time of searching, the article should be no older than 6 months. Other than it’s age, you need to make sure there’s at least enough content in your article for you to be able to analyze it.

How many words should my economics IA be?

750 words
Economics IA FAQ. Length of your IB Economics Internal Assessment: up to 750 words. The word count of your Economics IA does not include the following: Labels of up to 5 words.

How long should an econ IA be?

Economics IA FAQ. Length of your IB Economics Internal Assessment: up to 750 words. The word count of your Economics IA does not include the following: Labels of up to 5 words.

How do you write a good IA?

The introduction of your IA should outline and summarize your chosen article in 2 or 3 brief sentences. Make clear references to your article, often using a quote to show that you’re discussing the situation from your source. In the introduction, define a few key terms that will be used going forward through the essay.

How long should my Econ IA be?

How old can economics IA be?

How long should economics IA be?

Length of your IB Economics Internal Assessment: up to 750 words. The word count of your Economics IA does not include the following: Labels of up to 5 words.