Are popular press sources credible sources?

While they are not scholarly, popular articles from respected publications can provide excellent background information as well as stories, opinion pieces, images, and more personal points of view on a topic. These can help bring life and interest to your research project.

What is an example of a popular press article?

Most popular press materials are newspaper and magazine articles. Time, Newsweek, etc. New York Times, The Guardian, etc.

What is a popular press paper?

A Popular Press Article is an essay crafted for non-scholarly readers in the general public. You would find popular press articles in online newspapers or magazines. Popular press sources include well-known newspapers like the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Time Magazine.

What is a popular source?

Popular sources — intended for a general audience of readers, they are written typically to entertain, inform, or persuade. Popular sources help you answer who, what, when, and where questions and are essential for finding information about current events or issues.

When should I use popular sources?

Popular sources are useful for getting ideas for a topic or for background and anecdotal information. Typically, however, you should support your arguments by citing scholarly articles, which contain original research written by experts and do not contain glossy pages or advertisements.

Is BBC an academic source?

The BBC News website attracts more citations from Scopus-indexed publications than CNN and Reuters (Figure 1), and so it is a reasonable source for the current study.

What is a popular article?

Popular Article (Magazine) Articles are shorter and are written for the general public. General interest topics or current events are covered. Language is simple and easy to understand. Source material is not cited. Articles often include glossy photographs, graphics, or visuals.

What are some examples of professional sources?

The Pros and Cons of Different Source Types

  • Academic / Scholarly Journals.
  • Professional / Trade Journals/Magazines.
  • Books.
  • Popular Magazines.
  • Newspapers.
  • Websites.
  • Wikipedia.
  • Personal Websites, Blogs & Social Media.

Is webmd a scholarly source?

While Web MD is a website that provides a lot of useful information, it is not a peer reviewed/scholarly source.

How do you tell if a source is scholarly or popular?

Use the language of the discipline. Are often refereed or peer reviewed by specialists before being accepted for publication. Include full citations for sources. Book reviews or editorials are not considered scholarly articles, even when found in scholarly journals.

What is a popular reliable source?

“Scholarly” or “popular” are terms used to describe a source’s content, purpose, audience, appearance, citations and more. Popular sources are useful for getting ideas for a topic or for background and anecdotal information.

Is New York Times a popular source?

The New York Times is one of the most widely read newspapers in the United States and has been a fixture of American print news for over 150 years.