What types of fossils are found in Michigan?

The state of Michigan used to be covered by a warm, shallow sea and was later an unforgiving glacial landscape. Common fossils found here are trilobites, corals, sea lilies, and even mammoth teeth. In Michigan, we have very weathered rocks along our shoreline.

Are there any unique fossils in Michigan?

Petoskey Stones: Petoskey stones are an extinct fossil coral that lived 380 million years ago. The Petoskey stone also happens to be the official state stone of Michigan. These corals are called colonial rugose corals and lived in the Devonian Period.

Is there an app for identifying fossils?

Download the free Fossil Explorer app. Fossil Explorer is a field guide to the common fossils of Britain and will help you identify fossils based on where you find them. Available for iOS and Android devices.

Have there been any dinosaur fossils found in Michigan?

First, the bad news: No dinosaurs have ever been discovered in Michigan, mainly because during the Mesozoic Era, when the dinosaurs lived, the sediments in this state were steadily being eroded by natural forces.

Can you find petrified wood in Michigan?

Lake Michigan Petrified Driftwood While the Petrified Forest of Arizona has the highest concentration of petrified wood in the world, it can be found in every US state and other countries around the world. I found this sample of petrified driftwood on a Southwest Michigan beach off Lake Michigan called Oval Beach.

Where can you find Megalodon teeth in Michigan?

St. Clair River
Despite being extinct for millennia, the megalodon caused a stir in southeast Michigan last August when 15-year-old Port Huron resident David Wentz discovered a fossilized tooth in the St. Clair River. “I snorkel all the time out by the Blue Water Bridge,” he said, referring to the bridge over the St.

Can you find geodes in Lake Michigan?

Fascinating facts and photos featuring the most common beach stones found along Lake Michigan shorelines, as well as several unusual kinds; includes various types of basalt, septarian, limestone, granite, gabbro, diorite, gneiss, schist, sandstone, silt stone, mudstone, geodes, chalcedony and agate.

What to do if you think you found a fossil?

If you find a fossil, the location is as important as the fossil itself. Photograph it and note any visible features (for scale, include a coin or pen). Locate it on a map using permanent landmarks (use GPS if available). Leave it buried.

Who can help me identify a fossil?

Then, contact your local natural history museum. Many have special events where members of the public can bring in things they’ve found for identification, and even if they do not, they will have experts in many fields on staff.

Was Michigan ever underwater?

The area now submerged under the Great Lakes had been a lowland river system. As glaciers advanced and retreated they carved these areas into the Great Lakes and filled them as they melted. The preservation of fossils in Michigan resumed when the last glaciers withdrew from the state.

Are any gemstones found in Michigan?

Lake Superior agate is another interesting gemstone. Present on Lake Superior’s shorelines and in the Upper Peninsula, this is a gemstone that any collector appreciates. Other gemstones found in Michigan are chrysocolla, beryl, hematite, malachite, quartz, jasper, or diamonds, just to name a few.