What are 5 fun facts about Italy?

Fun facts about Italy and geography

  • Italy is home to Europe’s only three active volcanoes.
  • The Vatican City is the world’s smallest country.
  • Italy is the fifth most visited country in the world.
  • Italy has over 1500 lakes.
  • Italy’s highest mountain is Mont Blanc.

What are some facts about Italy for kids?


  • OFFICIAL NAME: Italian Republic.
  • CAPITAL: Rome.
  • POPULATION: 62,246,674.
  • MONEY: Euro.
  • AREA: 116,324 square miles (301,277 square kilometers)
  • MAJOR MOUNTAIN RANGES: Alps, Apennines.

What is a fun facts about Italy?

Italy has the most UNESCO World Heritage sites in the world. One of the most interesting fun facts about Italy is that it’s packed with historic treasures. As of 2019, Italy is home to 55 UNESCO World Heritage sites. They tie with China as the country with the most UNESCO sites in the world.

What is the general historical background of Italy?

The formation of the modern Italian state began in 1861 with the unification of most of the peninsula under the House of Savoy (Piedmont-Sardinia) into the Kingdom of Italy. Italy incorporated Venetia and the former Papal States (including Rome) by 1871 following the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71).

What is Italy known for in history?

Italy was the main center of the Renaissance, whose flourishing of the arts, architecture, literature, science, historiography, and political theory influenced all of Europe.

What foods did Italy invent?

Check out our list for the best creations Italy has produced, making it and them famous in the process.

  • Pizza. Pizza is by far Italy’s most famous creation, becoming one of the most beloved foods of all time.
  • Pasta.
  • Vespas.
  • Wine.
  • Art.
  • Football.
  • Cars.
  • Fashion.

What is Italy most known for?

Italy is famous for the Renaissance and the incredible artists it produced. Italy is famous for its tourism, its art cities and unique scenery. Italy is also known for its language, its opera, its fashion and its luxury brands. It is also known for its football team!

What are common traditions in Italy?

Here are eight for your list:

  • Epiphany and La Befana. Throughout Florence, it is tradition for an old woman to deliver gifts to children on Epiphany Eve.
  • Carnevale.
  • Florentine New Year.
  • Scoppio del Carro.
  • Patron Saint Feast Day.
  • Notte Bianca.
  • Festa della Rificolana.
  • Republic Day.

What famous things are from Italy?

10 Things Italy Is Famous for

  • Pizza. Pizza may be one of Italy’s greatest success stories but there’s not actually one standard, national pizza recipe.
  • Pasta. The other headliner in Italy’s culinary line-up is pasta.
  • Vespas.
  • Art.
  • Cars.
  • Hand gestures.
  • Football.
  • Gelato.