What things scintillate?

Things that are scintillating are exciting: they grab your attention with sparkles, flashes of light, or sheer brilliance. Most often, we talk about scintillating conversations and speakers. If you say someone is scintillating, then they are clever — people want to listen to them.

Is scintillating a noun or adjective?

British Dictionary definitions for scintillating scintillating. / (ˈsɪntɪˌleɪtɪŋ) / adjective. sparkling; twinkling. animated or brilliant.

Is scintillating a verb or adjective?

SCINTILLATING (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What does it mean to scintillate?

Definition of scintillate intransitive verb. 1 : to emit sparks : spark. 2 : to emit quick flashes as if throwing off sparks : sparkle Imagine it’s a cool summer night, the stars scintillate brilliantly in the sky overhead and the campfire blazes away.—

How do you use scintillate in a sentence?

be lively or brilliant or exhibit virtuosity.

  1. You were scintillating on TV last night.
  2. a play full of scintillating dialogue.
  3. Statistics on unemployment levels hardly make for scintillating reading.
  4. You can hardly expect scintillating conversation from a kid that age.
  5. What he said scintillated wittiness.

What are some antonyms for scintillate?

scintillating. adjective. Having brief brilliant points or flashes of light. Antonyms. dull unpolished colorless inauspicious unreverberant dark inglorious. glittering glittery glinting fulgid coruscant.

  • scintillating. adjective. Brilliantly clever. Antonyms. unintelligent unanimated. intelligent.
  • scintillating.
  • What is scintillate in literature?

    brilliantly lively, stimulating
    Definition of scintillating : brilliantly lively, stimulating, or witty a scintillating conversation.

    Can scintillating be used as a verb?

    Scintillating can be an adjective or a verb.

    What is another word for winnowing?

    In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for winnow, like: thresh, chaff, puff, extract, sift, select, fan, winnowing, breath, separate and sort.

    What is the opposite of winnow?

    Antonyms. refuse dishonor disclaim outgo stay. fan sieve strain. winnow (English)

    What is the antonym of winnow?

    What is the opposite of winnow?

    disperse dissipate
    divide plant
    refuse reject
    separate spend
    spread put in

    What is another word for winnow?