How much does balloon sinuplasty cost?

The cost of a balloon sinuplasty can range from $3,000 to $7,000, depending on the doctor doing the surgery. The surgery tends to cost much less in an office or clinic setting than in an operating room.

Is balloon sinuplasty covered by insurance?

Is it Covered by Insurance or Medicare? Insurance companies have discovered the overall benefit of balloon sinuplasty. Most insurance companies and Medicare will cover this procedure when it is medically necessary. You can contact your insurance provider to see if sinuplasty is covered.

Who is a good candidate for balloon sinuplasty?

According to Dr. Tran, the ideal candidates for balloon sinuplasty are those that have more moderate to mild sinus disease. Patients with more severe nasal abnormalities may not benefit from the procedure.

What is the success rate of balloon sinuplasty?

According to a multicenter study involving 1,036 patients, the balloon sinuplasty success rate is around 95 percent. Indeed, most patients who choose the balloon sinuplasty procedure see an immediate and permanent improvement in their sinus issues.

Is balloon sinuplasty permanent?

Is the increased sinus relief from balloon sinuplasty permanent or will I have to have repeated procedures? Typically, the procedures effects are permanent and you will not need to undergo repeated procedures.

Is balloon sinuplasty painful?

Because balloon sinuplasty does not involve any major cutting or incisions, it is a less painful procedure compared with standard surgical procedures performed for sinusitis. Balloon sinuplasty involves gentle insertion of a device into the nostrils. It is generally a safe and effective method to treat sinus problems.

What are the risks of balloon sinuplasty?

Balloon sinuplasty risks may include:

  • Tissue Damage: There’s a small risk of mucosal/tissue damage from the expansion.
  • Optical Damage: Since the procedure is being performed near your eye, it could affect the optic nerve; although this is rare.
  • Infection: Your sinuses are prone and sensitive to infection.

Are you awake during balloon sinuplasty?

What does balloon sinuplasty feel like? Local anesthetic is used, so you will be awake during the procedure and comfortable. You will feel some pressure when the balloon is gently inflated in your sinus passage and you may hear a crackling sound.

Can an ENT clean out your sinuses?

Your ENT specialist may recommend a nasal/sinus irrigation to open you your nasal passages if you have allergies, sinusitis (sinus infection), or a viral URI.

How long does balloon sinuplasty last for?

Numerous studies have shown that the benefits of Balloon Sinuplasty™ last for at least two years in the vast majority of patients, which is as good or better than what’s achieved with conventional sinus surgeries.

How painful is a balloon sinuplasty?

This procedure is extremely low-pain because we start by numbing the nose entirely. Once the nose is completely numb, we pass a balloon through the “ostia” (the openings into the sinuses). We dilate the balloon for about 10 seconds, deflate it, and remove it.

How can I instantly drain my sinuses?

How To Drain Your Sinuses

  1. Using a humidifier or vaporizer.
  2. Taking a hot shower or steam bath.
  3. Hydrating with warm fluids, such as chicken noodle soup or tea.
  4. Use a nasal nebulizer as part of your daily nasal hygiene routine.
  5. Applying hot facial compresses.