What are some synonyms for disdainful?
What are some synonyms for disdainful?
synonyms for disdainful
- aloof.
- arrogant.
- averse.
- contemptuous.
- derisive.
- haughty.
- unsympathetic.
- antipathetic.
What is a disdainful attitude?
1 feeling or showing open dislike for someone or something regarded as undeserving of respect or concern
What makes someone disdainful?
To be disdainful means to dislike something or someone because you think they are unimportant or not worth your attention. He is highly disdainful of anything to do with the literary establishment. Synonyms: contemptuous, scornful, arrogant, superior More Synonyms of disdainful.
Can you feel disdain?
Disdain can be a noun and a verb. As a noun, disdain is a feeling you might have toward something you deem unworthy—it implies not only disliking but also a lack of respect. If you want to say that you’re looking at something without respect and with a feeling of dislike, you can say that you disdain it.
Is disdain an emotion?
Unlike disgust, disdain judgments can never be true. Disdain seems to be an emotion that carries the judgment that its object is of low status. Disdain plays a much more important role in human social interactions, but one we acknowledge infrequently.
What does disdain mean in the Bible?
: a feeling of contempt for someone or something regarded as unworthy or inferior : scorn.
What does it mean to treat someone with disdain?
: a feeling of contempt for someone or something regarded as unworthy or inferior : scorn. disdain. verb. dis·dain | \ dis-ˈdān \
How do you show disdain?
In the right context, wincing or cringing can show disdain, as well as recoiling. Maybe someone looks someone else up and down and glares, or squints/narrows their eyes at them.
What does sanguinity mean?
optimistically cheerful and confident
Definitions of sanguinity. feeling sanguine; optimistically cheerful and confident. synonyms: sanguineness. type of: optimism. the optimistic feeling that all is going to turn out well.