Do law firms pay tax in Nigeria?

The 1999 constitution prescribes in section 24(f) that it shall be the duty of every citizen to declare his income honestly to appropriate and lawful agencies and pay his tax promptly. This means that lawyers who are Nigerian citizens have constitutional duty to pay taxes.

What are the 4 tax structures?

Tax Structure: Tax Base, Tax Rate, Proportional, Regressive, and Progressive Taxation.

What is the tax structure in Nigeria?

Nigeria: Administration Of Taxes In Nigeria

Companies Income Tax (CIT) 30 % of total profits of a company less allowable deductions
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) 10% of gains realized upon disposal of a chargeable asset
Value Added Tax (VAT) 5% on the supply of goods and services

What type of tax system does Nigeria practice?

Nigeria operates a decentralized tax system where each level of government is independently responsible for the administration of taxes within its jurisdiction. Nigeria generate revenue to fund government expenditure through a pool of taxes from each tier of government.

How do lawyers pay taxes?

Earlier, lawyers needed to file under ITR-4, but now lawyers can file under ITR-4 (Sugam) if they opt to file under presumptive taxation. They can file under ITR-4 (which is renamed as ITR-3 from FY 16-17), if they opt for normal provisions. If not, tax audit is applicable to them.

Do law firms pay VAT?

Historically, law firms did not charge VAT in respect of payments made for electronic property searches, Land Registry priority searches and official copy documents from the Land Registry. It was previously a widely-held view that these fees met the conditions of a disbursement and were therefore not subject to VAT.

What are 3 types of tax structures?

Tax systems in the U.S. fall into three main categories: Regressive, proportional, and progressive. Two of these systems impact high- and low-income earners differently.

How many types of tax structures are there?

When it comes to taxes, there are two types of taxes in India – Direct and Indirect tax. The direct tax includes income tax, gift tax, capital gain tax, etc while indirect tax includes value-added tax, service tax, Good and Service taxm, customs duty, etc.

What are tax structures?

Tax structures are measured by the share of major taxes in total tax revenue. While, on average, tax levels have generally been rising, the share of main taxes in total revenues – the tax structure or tax “mix” – has been remarkably stable over time.

What percentage of salary is tax in Nigeria?

7% to 24%
Income tax rates range from 7% to 24%. Social security: Social security contributions in Nigeria cover benefits for retirement, disability, sickness and maternity. Employees contribute a minimum of 8% of their salary, while employers must contribute around 10% to the various benefit schemes.

Are lawyers exempt from tax?

NEW DELHI: The government has said lawyers are exempt from service tax and there is no move to impose the levy on them for providing legal services. The response came after some lawyers raised the issue with the finance ministry following notices from tax authorities.