Do companies get notified when you review them on Glassdoor?

Glassdoor is committed to providing a constructive platform for people to share their opinions about their jobs and companies anonymously – without fear of retaliation and intimidation. So, if someone asks us to tell them who wrote a review, we say no.

How do I stop Glassdoor job alerts?

To unsubscribe from all Glassdoor emails, updates, notifications, marketing notifications, and job alerts:

  1. Sign in to Glassdoor.
  2. Click the Glassdoor Profile icon.
  3. Click Email & Alerts in the drop-down menu.
  4. Scroll to the Global Email Settings section at the bottom of the page.
  5. Click Unsubscribe All.

Can you get in trouble for posting on Glassdoor?

In general, no. For the most part, it is legal to post your opinion about your company, your workplace environment, and your senior management on social media.

Can my employer see my Glassdoor profile?

Because we want you to feel safe, we don’t allow employers to access your personal information and we never share any anonymous insights (i.e. reviews, ratings, salary reports, office photos) you have shared on Glassdoor.

Can I leave an anonymous review on Glassdoor?

Much to the chagrin of Glassdoor users everywhere, a federal court decided in a closed proceeding back in April that Glassdoor reviewers are not entitled to anonymity and that the government can compel the company to provide users’ information.

Should I leave a bad Glassdoor review?

We strongly suggest you not make provable statements of fact in your Glassdoor reviews. We encourage you instead to offer your “opinions” about your workplace.

Can you get sued for Glassdoor?

While we regularly receive legal demand letters threatening to sue us on account of unflattering reviews appearing on our site, only a mere handful follow through with actual lawsuits against us. And when they do, we fight back.

Can I get sued over a Glassdoor review?

If an employer challenges your Review, the most likely route they will take is to sue “Jane or John Doe” (since you publish anonymously on Glassdoor) and then serve a subpoena (make a legal demand) on Glassdoor to produce records about your identity.

Should you trust Glassdoor reviews?

Does this mean you shouldn’t trust Glassdoor? That’s the same as asking “does this mean you shouldn’t trust references?” The answer is you should trust, but verify. Don’t eliminate a company from your list purely based on a bad Glassdoor review, but don’t blindly accept a job based on good Glassdoor reviews.

Can employers delete Indeed reviews?

Reviews should be original and pertain to your personal experience as an employee or former employee at a company. Including non-relevant quotes or experiences is not acceptable. You may remove your own review and resubmit an updated review after your current review has been removed. Write in your own words.

Can you get sued for leaving a bad review on Glassdoor?

How do you expose a bad employer?

Call the LETF Public hotline anytime: 855 297 5322. Complete the Online Form / Spanish Form. Email us at [email protected].