What is DDRx?

DDRx is the contemporary version of DDR memory, offering bandwidth increases of 16x or more compared to the original generation DDR. Nowadays, more and more smart connected devices require high-speed DDRx memory interfaces to deliver the desired performance while keeping product costs competitive.

What is the function of DDRx register?

The DDRD register sets the direction of Port D. Each bit of the DDRD register sets the corresponding Port D pin to be either an input or an output. A 1 makes the corresponding pin an output, and a 0 makes the corresponding pin an input.

How is the DDRx designation related to bandwidth?

The bandwidth is 16 times the bus frequency, or 8 times the DDR- designation. For example, DDR-400 has a bandwidth of 3200 MBs (PC-3200); DDR2-800 has a bandwidth of 6400 MBs (PC-6400); and DDR3-1600 has a bandwidth of 12800 MBs (PC-12800).

What are PORTx and DDRx register?

GPIO Registers

  • DDRx: Data Direction Register. Before reading or writing the data from the ports, their direction needs to be set.
  • PORTx: This register is used to send the data to port pins.
  • PINx:PORT Input Register. This register is used to read the data from the port pins.
  • Enabling Internal Pull Up Resistors:

What is AVR register?

All information in the microcontroller, from the program memory, the timer information, to the state on any of input or output pins, is stored in registers. Registers are like shelves in the bookshelf of processor memory.

What is Ddrb in AVR?

DDR stands for “Data Direction Register” and ‘x’ indicates port alphabet. As the name suggests, this register is used to set the direction of Port pins to be either input or output. For input, set 0 and for output, set 1.

Can you play DDR on PS3?

DDR Finally Comes to PlayStation 3 The DanceDanceRevolution bundle combines fitness, free movement, new control options and of course fun, providing a whole new level gameplay excitement to DanceDanceRevolution fans both longtime and new. Classic, addictive DDR gameplay for PS3 players.

What is LDI assembly?

ldi is part of a special set of immediate instructions. Immediate instructions operate on a register and require a constant be supplied as an operand. Immediate instructions are very useful as they allow you to operate with a number you supply in the code itself.
