How can I live my best life with lupus?

Living with lupus

  1. Learn how to tell that a flare is coming.
  2. See your doctors regularly.
  3. Reduce stress by setting realistic goals for yourself.
  4. Limit the time you spend in the sun and in fluorescent and halogen light.
  5. Choose healthy foods most of the time.
  6. Get enough sleep and rest.

How can lupus make life easier?

If that’s not possible, wear sunscreen, protective clothing, a hat and sunglasses to protect yourself. To reduce stress and exhaustion, take time for yourself, rest or meditate to relax. Eat healthy. There’s a strong link between lupus and heart disease.

Which is a good strategy for dealing with lupus?

Lupus has no cure. But medicines can help most people with the disease can lead active, healthy lives. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) are often used to help control pain, swelling, and fever. Other types of medicine may also be used.

Can you live a productive life with lupus?

At times, you may feel sadness and anger. But keep in mind, many people with lupus live satisfying and productive lives. Most people with mild disease or who are in remission can usually participate in the same life activities they did before they were diagnosed.

What shouldn’t you do if you have lupus?

5 Things to Avoid if You Have Lupus

  • (1) Sunlight. People with lupus should avoid the sun, since sunlight can cause rashes and flares.
  • (2) Bactrim and Septra (sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim) Bactrim and Septra are antibiotics that contain sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim.
  • (3) Garlic.
  • (4) Alfalfa Sprouts.
  • (5) Echinacea.

Does a hot shower help lupus?

Many lupus patients experience joint stiffness, especially in the morning. People often find that taking warm showers helps to relieve this problem. If this habit does not offer comfort and joint stiffness prevents you from daily activity, be sure to speak with your doctor.

How can you prevent lupus from getting worse?

Other things you can do include:

  1. Visit your doctor regularly.
  2. Get plenty of rest.
  3. Watch out for stress.
  4. Avoid physical stress.
  5. Avoid sunlight whenever possible.
  6. Take your medications as prescribed.
  7. Be careful with certain foods and supplements.