Does WW have live chat?

Questions about the WW programme can come up any time of day. And with 24/7 live chat, you can get answers any time of day too! No matter what you’re wondering, it’s easy to chat with a Coach 24/7 in the WW app or on our website, and quickly get the information you need from a real human.

How do I get in touch with WW?

For additional help, send email to [email protected] or call 1-800-651-6000.

How do I cancel my online WW subscription?

Canceling Weight Watchers membership online

  1. Login in to your account using your username and password.
  2. Find the Cancel my account option on your Profile page.
  3. Skip the alternatives to cancelation that Weight Watchers will offer and go directly to Complete cancelation button.
  4. Fill out the cancelation form on the page.

Why can’t I log into my Weight Watchers account?

If you are having trouble logging in and want to reset your password > From on your PC or Mac or from your WW App > Click on “Login” > Then click on “Recover your account” > Or from your WW App tap Reset Password.

How do I find a WW coach?


  1. Open your homepage.
  2. Click on the green ’24/7 Live Coaching’ bar in the bottom right corner, ask your question, and you’ll be greeted by the next available Coach.

What is the 800 number for WW?

(800) 651-6000Weight Watchers / Customer service

How do I cancel my Weight Watchers membership over the phone?

You can always call us at 1-800-651-6000 and a live agent will be happy to assist you.

What is Weight Watchers cancellation policy?

When does cancellation of your subscription take effect? For WW Subscription members on a monthly or “month to month” plan: When you cancel, your cancellation will be effective at the end of your current subscription month. Please allow us up to 5 business days to process your cancellation request.

Why can’t I cancel my Weight Watchers account?

This is the easiest and fastest way to cancel. Please note: If you have purchased your membership and the app via the Apple App Store for iOS devices or Google Play store for Android devices, we cannot cancel your account or offer a refund on

Is there a cancellation fee for Weight Watchers?

If you cancel after 3 months (25% into your paid plan period), you will be required to pay 75% of the item’s price at the time it was provided to you.

How do I reset my WW account?

  1. Log in and click ‘Account’ in the top right corner.
  2. Click ‘Settings’ then scroll down to ‘Change starting weight’
  3. Click Edit, enter Weight and click Update.

Is Weight Watchers Online down?

Check all outages. is UP and reachable by us.