Did Spottedleaf have a mate?

When Fireheart journeys to the Moonstone to become Firestar, Spottedleaf appears among the cats who give him a life, granting Firestar a life for love. Firestar realizes that he can have no future with Spottedleaf and then decides to have Sandstorm as his mate.

Does Firepaw have a crush on Spottedleaf?

Spottedleaf is the first beautiful she-cat Firepaw has ever actually seen close up. It’s a kit-hood crush.

How do cats mate in Warriors?

Two cats are usually considered mates after spending some time together, and being seen sharing tongues often, and after some kind of confession of love, or asking them if they would like to be mates. Usually when cats are apprentices or warriors, they will show some sort of affection toward a certain cat.

Is Spottedleaf related to SkyClan?

It is revealed in Firestar’s Quest that Spottedleaf is a direct descendant of the kits of Birdflight, a SkyClan she-cat who stayed with ThunderClan during SkyClan’s exile. Therefore she is part-SkyClan and permitted to walk in the skies of SkyClan’s warrior ancestors as well as StarClan.

Does Firestar love Spottedleaf more than sandstorm?

Every cat has a personality, and I can tell Firestar loves Sandstorm for who she is. If Spottedleaf was still alive in Starclan, it’s obvious Firestar would choose Sandstorm because even in Starclan Spottedleaf is still a medicine cat even in Starclan (stated in Firestars Quest).

How do warrior cats get pregnant?

Nursing. Queens move to the nursery about a moon before giving birth, taking leave of their warrior duties. They have their food delivered to them by their Clanmates as they become less mobile. A cat’s pregnancy is just over two moons, after which they give birth to the possible litter of one to five kits.

Who is Ravenpaws mate?

His partner is Barley.

Can female clan leaders have kits?

A female leader or deputy generally does not have kits (although it is not explicitly forbidden, as Leafstar and Squirrelflight had kits), because looking after kits would keep them away from their leader or deputy duties for six moons or more.