How do I configure NAT on Cisco router?

Steps to configure dynamic NAT using CLI.

  1. Login to the device using SSH / TELNET and go to enable mode.
  2. Go into the config mode.
  3. Configure the router’s inside interface.
  4. Configure the router’s outside interface.
  5. Configure an ACL that has a list of the inside source addresses that will be translated.

Which command makes an interface public facing while implementing NAT?

Configure private/public IP address mapping by using the ip nat inside source static PRIVATE_IP PUBLIC_IP command. Configure the router’s inside interface using the ip nat inside command.

Where is NAT configured?

In typical NAT configurations, interfaces are placed into one of two categories (or locations): inside or outside. Inside indicates traffic that is coming from within the organizational network. Outside indicates traffic that is coming from an external network that is outside the organizational network.

Does NAT occur before or after routing?

Rules: – Traffic entering inside NAT interface is always routed 1st then NATted. – Traffic entering outside NAT interface is always NATted 1st then routed. – Inbound ACL are performed before routing & NAT, alleviate processing overhead by filtering unnecessary traffic.

Which NAT types have one to one mapping between local and global addresses?

While static NAT is a constant mapping between inside local and global addresses, dynamic network address translation allows you to automatically map inside local and global addresses (which are usually public IP addresses). Dynamic NAT uses a group or pool of public IPv4 addresses for translation.

What is policy NAT in Cisco ASA?

As we know, the conventional NAT functionality on Cisco devices (routers, ASA firewalls etc) translates the SOURCE IP address to something else. There is also the so called “Destination based NAT” (or you may see it referred as “Reverse NAT”) which changes the destination IP address.

What is NAT explain the three ways to configure NAT?

Configure the NAT address pool that contains the list of real host IP addresses to load balance to. Configure a static access list to define the virtual address that will be used for outside communication. Configure TCP server load balancing. Enter interface configuration mode for the inside interface.