What is the German cockroach called in Germany?


Title Egg case
Caption Blattella germanica (German cockroach); egg case, or oothecae.
Copyright ©Gary Alpert/Harvard University/Bugwood.org – CC BY-NC 3.0 US

Why is it called the German cockroach?

In 1767, Carl Linnaeus changed the name to germanica and we have called it the German cockroach ever since. It is likely that Martin Brunniche collected the original specimens in ports northern Germany, which was a part of Denmark at the time.

What is the medical importance of Blattella germanica?

Various fungi and parasitic cysts of medical importance were also isolated from the test and control cockroaches, but the carriage rates were low. The findings suggest that cockroaches, in hospitals, can act as potential vectors of medically important bacteria/parasites/fungi.

What is the scientific name of German cockroach?

Blattella germanicaGerman cockroach / Scientific name

The German cockroach (Blattella germanica), a common household pest, is light brown with two dark stripes on the prothoracic region. The female produces the ootheca 3 days after mating and carries it for about 20 days. Three or more generations may occur yearly. Because it is…

What is the difference between a German cockroach and an American cockroach?

German cockroaches tend to be much smaller at about half an inch long. Appearance: German cockroaches are tan with dark, parallel lines running from their heads to the ends of their wings. On the other hand, the American cockroach is reddish-brown with a thorax edged in faded yellow.

How did German roaches get to the US?

Juan Ponce de Leon was a likely host, and his timing corresponds with entomologists’ theories: The Spanish explorer, who accompanied Columbus on his second voyage, aimed for present-day Florida and disembarked there in 1513 — possibly escorting cockroaches to the U.S. mainland.

Do German cockroaches bite?

Do German cockroaches bite? German cockroaches (Blatella germanica) are the most common species of cockroach in Canada. While they have been known to bite humans, such bites are very rare and mostly occur while humans are asleep.

Are German cockroaches harmful?

Almost every body part of a German cockroach can carry harmful bacteria. For example, Salmonella and E. coli on the pests’ bodies may cause food poisoning and dysentery. Even a single touch may be enough to transfer disease causing organisms onto food and surfaces.

What is the hardest cockroach to get rid of?

German cockroaches
The German Roach Rap Sheet German cockroaches are notoriously difficult to control. They breed and spread with dizzying speed, survive on very little, and don’t give up without a fight.

Are German roaches the worst?

The German cockroach is considered to be the worst species of cockroach for many reasons. Their long, dark antenna and light brown to tan coloration make them difficult to spot scuttling around in dark, cluttered areas of a home.

What’s worse American or German cockroach?

Of the many species of roaches that might invade your home or business, the German Cockroach is the worst roach you can encounter. It is identified by two dark, parallel strips that run from head to wings and is typically smaller than other roaches, coming in at under half an inch in most cases.

What is the difference between German roaches and regular roaches?
