What is the post dispatcher test?

The POST Dispatcher Test is designed to measure aptitude for performing public safety dispatcher work.

Is the police dispatcher test hard?

The 911 Dispatcher test is hard because it requires both a comprehensive job-specific knowledge of info related to emergency situations and the ability to work under pressure. Without proper preparation, only those candidates with prior experience in similar positions will be able to pass it successfully.

How do you pass a dispatcher exam?

To pass the 911 dispatcher test, you need to possess the ability to think quickly, precisely and logically. You should also need to remain calm and collected at the time of emergencies. You should have the ability to handle stress and take accurate decisions.

How do I prepare for a dispatcher exam?

How Can I Prepare for the 911 Dispatcher Test?

  1. Coding/decoding information.
  2. Map skills and following directions.
  3. Name and number checking.
  4. Problem solving.
  5. Ordering information.
  6. Deductive and inductive reasoning.
  7. Typing test.
  8. Personality Test to help prepare for the psychological evaluation.

How long is the post test good for?

3. How long is my test score good for? A score on the POST test has no shelf life; therefore, a candidate may submit the department letter from the previous administration to the prospective employer.

What is passing score for CritiCall test?

Accuracy and speed are essential for a good score. Candidates are also asked verbal questions about the information heard. The passing score is 70%.

What is a passing score on the CritiCall test?

Candidates will need to listen to simulated 911 calls and summarize the information they hear on the computer system. Accuracy and speed are essential for a good score. Candidates are also asked verbal questions about the information heard. The passing score is 70%.

How long is the CritiCall test?

approximately 1 ½ to 2 hours
The CritiCall test will last approximately 1 ½ to 2 hours depending on your reading and typing speed.

How long does it take to get your CritiCall test results?

approximately 2-3 months
Processing takes approximately 2-3 months (varies from applicant). If you are selected to process, you will receive an email inviting you to schedule yourself for the CritiCall test.

What is a good post score?

If you score 42 or higher, you are considered to have passed the test successfully. Note that POST does not provide the test results directly to applicants or other unauthorized personnel.

What is the highest T-score?

A: The highest possible T-score is 77.8. For more information on how T-scores are calculated, please visit the POST website at http://www.post.ca.gov. Q: What is the T-score? A: T-scores are a method of statistically analyzing standardized tests and can be applied to the POST exam.