What is the origin of penultimate?
What is the origin of penultimate?
Penultimate came into English in the 17th century from the Latin word paenultimus, a combination of paene, meaning “almost,” and ultimus, meaning “last.” So if something’s penultimate, it’s “almost last”: more specifically, it’s next to last.
What does the phrase penultimate mean?
next to the last
Definition of penultimate 1 : next to the last the penultimate chapter of a book. 2 : of or relating to the next to the last syllable of a word a penultimate accent.
Can Sunny Baudelaire talk?
By Chapter Fourteen, Sunny can speak as well as both her siblings.
What are words that mean original?
- earliest,
- first,
- foremost,
- headmost,
- inaugural,
- initial,
- leadoff,
- maiden,
What is another word for penultimate?
second-last, last-but-one, second-to-last.
What is the difference between ultimate and penultimate?
While penultimate has an extremely limited range of meanings (it always refers to the next-to-last of something) ultimate can mean a number of different things, ranging from “fundamental, basic” to “utmost” to “farthest.” There is a considerable amount of evidence of penultimate being mistakenly used to mean all of …
What is an example of penultimate?
Of the penult. The definition of penultimate is something that is second to last or right before the last item in a series. An example of penultimate is the letter “Y” which is the second to last letter in the alphabet.
Who is Kit Snicket married to?
At some point between the night at the opera and her appearance in the second season, Kit and Dewey became romantically involved, and she became pregnant with his child. The two planned to leave VFD together and raise their child somewhere far away.
Does OG mean original?
According to Urban Dictionary’s most popular definition, OG is an abbreviation of the words ‘Original Gangster’, which is what the term was used for at first. Since then however, it has also been used to simply mean that something or someone is ‘original’—meaning, the first of its kind.
What does it mean to be called original?
If you describe someone or their work as original, you mean that they are very imaginative and have new ideas.
What’s the opposite of penultimate?
Antonyms & Near Antonyms for penultimate. eminent, premier, superior.