What is the best journal in fluid mechanics?

Fluid Mechanics

Publication h5-index
1. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 71
2. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 56
3. Physics of Fluids 56
4. Computers & Fluids 48

Is physics of fluid a good journal?

Physics of Fluids A, Physics of Fluids B, and Physics of Fluids were ranked 3, 4, and 6, respectively based on their citation impact from 1981–2004 within the category of journals on the physics of fluids and plasmas. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2020 impact factor of 3.521.

What is fluid journal?

Fluids is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on all aspects of fluids. It is published monthly online by MDPI. The Portuguese Society of Rheology (SPR) is affiliated with Fluids and the society members receive a discount on the article processing charges.

Which individual is considered the founder of geophysical fluid dynamics?

Started in 1959 by two WHOI scientists – George Veronis, now at Yale University, and Willem Malkus, now professor emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – the program sought to introduce graduate students to basic principles in a new field called geophysical fluid dynamics.

Is Physical Review E a good journal?

Physical Review E Rank and SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) The overall rank of Physical Review E is 5273. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 0.847.

Is physics of fluids Q1 journal?

The best quartile for this journal is Q1. The ISSN of Physics of Fluids journal is 10706631, 10897666. An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique code of 8 digits. It is used for the recognition of journals, newspapers, periodicals, and magazines in all kind of forms, be it print-media or electronic.

What is fluid dynamics used for?

Fluid dynamics provides methods for studying the evolution of stars, ocean currents, weather patterns, plate tectonics and even blood circulation. Some important technological applications of fluid dynamics include rocket engines, wind turbines, oil pipelines and air conditioning systems.

What are the principles of fluid dynamics?

The basic fluid mechanics principles are the continuity equation (i.e. conservation of mass), the momentum principle (or conservation of momentum) and the energy equation. A related principle is the Bernoulli equation which derives from the motion equation (e.g. Section 2.2. 3, and Liggett (1993)).

Is Geophysics a physical science?

Geophysics (/ˌdʒiːoʊˈfɪzɪks/) is a subject of natural science concerned with the physical processes and physical properties of the Earth and its surrounding space environment, and the use of quantitative methods for their analysis.