What of millennials are religious?

Just 36% of millennials belong to a church, mosque or synagogue, and only 6% engage in religious activities daily, according to Gallup.

What do millennials think about the Bible?

In short, Millennials know and care less about the things of God than any generation—ever. The research shows that much of the next generation’s ambivalence flows not from the person of Jesus Christ (they have a surprisingly positive view of Him) or from Christianity in general (65% say they are Christian).

How religious is each generation?

Generational cohort by religious group

Religious tradition Younger Millennial Generation X
Mainline Protestant 10% 25%
Mormon 14% 31%
Muslim 29% 31%
Orthodox Christian 18% 32%

What percentage of millennials are non religious?

A 2010 Pew Research Center study comparing Millennials to other generations showed that of those between 18 and 29 years old, only 3% self-identified as “atheists” and only 4% as “agnostics”. Overall, 25% of Millennials were “Nones” and 74% were religiously affiliated.

What are the values of millennials?

Characteristics of the millennial generation

  • Values meaningful motivation.
  • Challenges the hierarchy status-quo.
  • Places importance on relationships with superiors.
  • Intuitive knowledge of technology.
  • Open and adaptive to change.
  • Places importance on tasks rather than time.
  • Passion for learning.

What percent of millennials attend church?

Generational Differences Linked to Change in Church Membership. Church membership is strongly correlated with age, as 66% of traditionalists — U.S. adults born before 1946 — belong to a church, compared with 58% of baby boomers, 50% of those in Generation X and 36% of millennials.

Do Millennials believe the Bible?

Millennials in the United States are far less likely to believe in God and the Bible’s teachings than older generations, according to a new survey.

Why are baby boomers so religious?

Bengtson and his research team discovered three factors that may explain why some baby boomers become more religiously involved as they age. The first reason is the most practical. People simply have more time in their retirement years and are not preoccupied by full-time work. The other reasons are more personal.

What percentage of millennials believe in religion?

A Generational Divide in Formative Religious Experiences Millennials and Gen Zers are much less likely to report attending worship services growing up. Less than half of millennials (45 percent) and Gen Zers (40 percent) say they attended church weekly.