What fish are compatible with piranhas?

Tank Mates for Piranha Fish Well-fed Red Belly Piranhas are fairly tame towards their tank mates and can be kept alongside other fish their size or larger. Large Cichlids like Peacock Bass, armored Catfish, and related fish from South America like Pacus and Silver Dollars are your safest choices.

What fish can you keep with Jaguar cichlids?

10 Best Tank Mates for Jaguar Cichlid in 2022

  1. Sailfin Pleco (Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps)
  2. Green Terror Cichlid (Species)
  3. Texas Cichlid (Herichthys cyanoguttatus)
  4. Wolf Cichlid (Parachromis dovii)
  5. Red Devil Cichlid (Amphilophus labiatus)
  6. Bala Shark (Balantiocheilus melanopterus)
  7. Flowerhorn Cichlid (n/a)

Can jaguar cichlid live with other fish?

They are highly territorial and will not tolerate any other fish getting in their space. Many fish will pick fights and do all they can to kill other fish that cross them. Aggressive behavior is to be expected. It’s just a part of owning a Cichlid!

Can Oscars live with Jaguar cichlids?

Jaguar Cichlid They can make a good companion for the Oscar fish. But be warned that this fish is only a good companion if you have experience in keeping aggressive fish together.

What fish can go with red belly piranha?

It’s easier to keep piranhas with large catfish species: sailfin pleco, striped Raphael catfish, suckermouth catfish. They are perfect red-bellied piranha tank mates since they inhabit bottom water layers and they are protected from attack with bone planes on their body.

Can I keep piranha with Oscar?

You will need a very large tank to accommodate these large fish. Oscars are not always friendly toward other fish, especially if they are old and have been alone. Piranha species are actually schooling fish and do best when kept in groups.

How big do Jaguar cichlids get?

between 16 to 24 inches
Size: Adults are usually found to be between 16 to 24 inches (41-61 cm) and weigh up to approximately 3.5 pounds (1.6 kg), with males being larger than females. Behavior: A beautiful, but extremely aggressive, territorial and predatory species. Diet: Their diet is small fish and invertebrates.

What fish can live with Green Terror?

Here are some species that make good tank mates for Green Terror Cichlids:

  • Firemouth Cichlids.
  • Jack Dempsey Cichlids.
  • Flowerhorn Cichlids.
  • Silver Dollar Fish.
  • Bristlenose Pleco.
  • Clown Pleco.
  • Striped Raphael Catfish.
  • Servrum.

How big does a jaguar cichlid get?