What are the little rocks in gas fireplace?

What are they made of? Just like it says in their name, lava rocks are made from actual lava. Most lava rocks sold for fireplaces and fire pits are made from vesicular basalts which form when air bubbles get trapped inside lava as it cools and expands.

What does rock wool do in a gas fireplace?

Rock wool is a fibrous material made from minerals. Placed on top of the sand in a natural gas log set, the fire passes through it, becomes red hot and glows without melting or burning. Rock wool only glows when the flames come up through it, so there is no need to have it spread around any more than over the burner.

Can you use embers in ventless gas fireplace?

Glowing Embers help create the look of smoldering wood embers and are designed for use with any VENTED and VENTLESS gas log set, NG and LP.

Are gas fireplace embers safe?

The good news is that your gas fireplace embers are made of inert mineral fibers and are completely safe to handle. They are non-combustible and non-toxic.

Do I need rock wool for gas fireplace?

Use after replacing vermiculite in your liquid propane burner pan or the silica sand in your natural gas burner pan. Can be used in vented or un-vented units. A small amount of rock wool is needed, we recommend cleaning your fireplace at the beginning of the burn season and add the rock wool once your firebox is clean.

How long do gas fireplace embers last?

While the logs and embers should last indefinitely, it’s not uncommon for the embers to lose their brilliance after a year or two. The good news is that your gas fireplace embers are made of inert mineral fibers and are completely safe to handle. They are non-combustible and non-toxic.

Do you need rock wool for gas fireplace?

Are embers needed in gas fireplace?

The embers. Maintaining your gas fireplaceand its elements is essential for the health and brilliance of your home.