What is a peristylium in Ancient Rome?
What is a peristylium in Ancient Rome?
The peristylium was an open courtyard within the house; the columns surrounding the garden supported a shady roofed portico whose inner walls were often embellished with elaborate wall paintings.
What’s the purpose of peristyle?
Greek temples …to be embellished by a peristyle, an outer colonnade of posts supporting extended eaves. This colonnade provided a covered ambulatory (roofed walkway), and it was also a device to distinguish the building from purely secular architecture.
Who invented peristyle?
The Romans constructed peristyle-gardens behind their atrium-houses. The House of the Vettii in Pompeii is the example of a house with a peristyle.
What is a Roman peristyle garden?
Peristyle is an open garden inside the dwelling surrounded by a continuous porch formed by a row of columns. As so many other architectural features the earliest houses with peristyle that we know of were found in Greece from the Classical period.
How does an Impluvium work?
In the center of the atrium was the impluvium, a rectangular pool that collected rainwater through a rectangular opening above, the compluvium. From the impluvium, rainwater traveled through pipes leading to cisterns, underground water storage tanks.
Where was the first temple to be surrounded by a peristyle located?
It was first theorized that this type of peristyle feature (identified as a columned porch or open colonnade) was first identified in the eighth century at the Temple of Hera at Samos.
What type of building that features a peristyle?
Many temple style buildings feature a peristyle (a continuous line of columns around a building), which is rarely found in Renaissance architecture.
What were Roman gardens called?
Toward the back of the house was often a hortus (garden) or peristylium (an open courtyard). These gardens are common in urban dwellings, such as those within the walls of Pompeii.
What is a Roman Lararium?
Definition of lararium : the shrine of the lares in an ancient Roman home.
What is a classical portico?
In classical architecture, a portico is a colonnaded porch leading to a building’s entrance, or a covered walkway which is enclosed by walls and supported by regularly-spaced columns.