What is an SSL student?

SSL is a Maryland state graduation requirement. Students must earn 75 SSL hours to meet this graduation requirement. MCPS students may earn SSL hours starting the summer after completing grade 5 through middle school and high school.

How many SSL hours are required for an extra tassel MCPS?

(Superintendent’s Student Service Learning Award.) May be recognized for exceptional service in senior year by having documented 260 or more hours of service by the first Friday of April. (Certificate of Meritorious Service from MSDE and MCPS and a purple tassel to wear at graduation services.)

How many SSL hours are required for a purple tassel MCPS?

*Any high school senior who has submitted documentation to show the completion of 240 SSL hours or more by April 1, 2022, will earn the Certificate of Meritorious Service along with a purple tassel for graduation.

How many service learning hours do I need in Maryland?

75 hours
How many hours of service do I/my child need to earn in order to fulfill the service-learning graduation requirement? Maryland students must engage in 75 hours of service-learning at a minimum in order to receive a Maryland State High School Diploma.

What does SSL stand for?

Secure Sockets Layer
SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and, in short, it’s the standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure and safeguarding any sensitive data that is being sent between two systems, preventing criminals from reading and modifying any information transferred, including potential personal details.

Do you need volunteer hours to graduate high school in Maryland?

The Maryland State Board of Education requires every public high school student to complete at least 75 service hours to graduate.

How many community service hours do you need for high school in Maryland?

How many service-learning hours do you need to graduate in Pgcps?

75 student service
A. Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) students must engage in a minimum of 75 student service-learning (SSL) hours in order to successfully meet the service-learning graduation requirement.

Where do I get an SSL certificate?

Below are the best SSL certificate providers of 2021:

  1. Comodo SSL. A provider with commendably aggressive pricing.
  2. DigiCert. This SSL provider snapped up Norton.
  3. Entrust Datacard. A slick company run by experts in the security field.
  4. GeoTrust.
  5. GlobalSign.
  6. GoDaddy.
  7. Network Solutions.
  8. RapidSSL.

How many credits do you need to pass 9th grade in Maryland?

4 credits
Full details on graduation requirements can be found in the current course catalog.

Grade 9 in SY21-22 or Later
English 4 credits, including: 1 credit each in English 9, 10, 11, and 12
Mathematics 4 credits and 4 years of participation, including: 1 credit each in Algebra I and Geometry; 2 credits beyond Geometry