What is a good activity for a 2 year old?

Sensory Activities Your 2 Year old will Love!

  • Easy Rainbow Pasta Fun. Rainbow Spaghetti is a fun medium for kids to explore.
  • Kool Aid Shaving Cream Sensory Play.
  • Make a Paper Plate Bird Craft.
  • Play in a Rainbow Sensory Tub.
  • Process Art is Fun Toddler Play.
  • Rainbow Finger Bath Paint.
  • Make a Confetti Collage.
  • Play with Rainbows.

How do I entertain my 2 year old at home?

25 simple ways to entertain your toddler

  1. Play with toys. Break out the cars.
  2. Feed them snacks.
  3. Take them on a walk in the stroller.
  4. Take them on a walk to the mailbox.
  5. Take them to the park.
  6. Play in the backyard.
  7. Give them a bath.
  8. Play-Doh.

What can toddlers do at 2 years old?

By the age of 2, your toddler is talking, walking, climbing, jumping, running and bustling with energy. Your child now has a growing vocabulary and acquires new words on a regular basis. She/he can sort shapes and colours and may even show an interest in potty training.

What should a 2 year old toddler learn?

What You Can Teach Your Two Year Old

  • NEW WORDS AND CONVERSATIONAL SPEECH. Your 2-year-old should have gained a slew of new vocabulary words in the past year.

How do I keep my 2-year-old busy?

Ways to Keep Young Kids Busy When You Can Barely Keep Up

  1. Play ‘Don’t wake the dragon’
  2. Send them on a mini scavenger hunt.
  3. Use sensory bins.
  4. Build a bored box.
  5. Play a silly guessing game.
  6. Use painter’s tape.
  7. Take to the tub.
  8. Create a washing station.

Do 2 year olds get bored?

But as entertaining as babies are to play with, parents might wonder if the feeling is mutual. Despite all the silly faces and baby talk, do babies get bored? It turns out they can get bored. But they don’t get bored like adults or even children.

What skills should I teach my 2-year-old?

2 years of age is the most ideal time to develop some basic learning skills, teach them independence, etiquette, and in general, get them ready for when they get to preschool. Let’s go over some of the fundamental concepts you can teach at home. Every toddler is different and everyone works differently.