Is gym good for football players?

The gym is a tool to make you a better player on the pitch! When you step foot into the gym, you should have an idea of what you want to work on. Every exercise that you do in the gym needs to have a purpose and needs to aim to help you be a better footballer player when you step onto the pitch.

How do football players train in the gym?

Here are some weight training exercises for football: Barbell squat, dumbbell squat or sled hack squat. Dumbbell biceps arm curl. Dumbbell incline bench press.

How do you get a footballers body?

So, the key to getting in great shape: training like a pro soccer player. Combine 1-3 days per week of interval training, with 2-3 days per week of high volume lower body lifting (with upper body lifting another 2-3 days as well to keep the body even), and finish with some core training.

How do you train like Van Dijk?

Virgil Van Dijk workout

  1. Bulgarian split squat: 4 x 6 (2-3 minute rest between sets)
  2. Single leg box jump: 4 x 6 (2-3 minute rest between sets)
  3. Prowler push: heavy for 10 seconds (1 minute rest between sets)
  4. Pendlay row / super-set with barbell push press: 3 x 6 (2-3 minute rest between sets)

Do footballers lift?

Football players will lift weights all year to maintain strength. Football players will lift weights during the season and in the offseason to stay strong and prevent injuries. Football is a contact sport, so players need to absorb a season’s worth of contact with strong and flexible muscles.

Do push-ups help in soccer?

Soccer press-ups Press-up drills are an excellent way of developing your players’ upper body strength in the arms, chest and shoulders as well as building core strength. Technique is an essential part of this soccer coaching drill. Players should only do as many press-ups as they can with good technique.

Are squats good for football?

Like the deadlift, a strong argument can be made that the squat transfers most effectively into the game of football. Squats build strength and power in your legs, core, and even upper back & lats.