What is the longest range Russian artillery?

The 2S7 Pion (“peony”) or Malka is a Soviet self-propelled 203mm heavy artillery….

2S7 Pion
Effective firing range 37.5km
Maximum firing range 47.5km
Armor 10mm max.
Main armament 203 mm 2A44 gun

What is a Russian SAU?

An alternative Russian designation is SAU-122 but in the Russian Army it is commonly known as Gvozdika. The 2S1 is fully amphibious with very little preparation, and once afloat is propelled by its tracks. A variety of track widths are available to allow the 2S1 to operate in snow or swamp conditions.

How many 2s19 msta does Russia have?

Russia – Approximately 760 in service (including over 260 2S19M1 and over 210 2S19M2) and 270 more stored as of 2020.

What howitzer has the longest range?

What is a howitzer? The 155mm howitzer is the longest-ranged of the military’s indirect-fire guns, able to hit targets up to 18 miles away. The U.S. operates two types of 155mm howitzers: the towed M777 and the self-propelled M109 Paladin howitzer.

How far can a howitzer shoot in miles?

M777 howitzer

M777 Lightweight Towed Howitzer
Elevation 0° to +71.7°
Rate of fire Normal: 2 rpm Maximum: 7 rpm
Muzzle velocity Charge 8S: 827 m/s (2,710 ft/s)
Effective firing range {{|M107: 21 km (13 mi)|M795: 22.5 km (14.0 mi)|ERFB: M795E1 30 km (19 mi) base bleed|Excalibur: 40 km (25 mi)}}

How many howitzers does the US have?

Current operators. 33 systems, previously 37 with 4 having been donated to Ukraine. The donated howitzers will be replenished. 999 systems, 481 for the US Marine Corps and 518 for the US Army and Army National Guard, were acquired.

How many howitzers does the U.S. have?