What is occurrence code?
What is occurrence code?
Occurrence Codes identify a significant event relating to an institutional claim that may affect payer processing. These codes are claim-related occurrences that are related to a time period (span of dates).
What is occurrence code 50 on ub04?
Occurrence Code 50: Assessment Date Definition: Code indicating an assessment date as defined by the assessment instrument applicable to this provider type (e.g. Minimum Data Set (MDS) for skilled nursing). (For IRFs, this is the date assessment data was transmitted to the CMS National Assessment Collection Database).
What is a 18 occurrence code?
18 Date of Retirement Code indicates the date of retirement for the Patient/Beneficiary patient/beneficiary.
What is a 42 occurrence code?
The NUBC code instructions related to the use of occurrence code 42 state that, “for final bill for hospice care, enter the date the Medicare beneficiary terminated his election of hospice care.” However, this code is not only used to indicate a patient-initiated discharge, but also is currently used to indicate …
What are occurrence codes on a ub04?
Occurrence Codes
Code | Description |
01 | Accident/Medical Coverage |
02 | No Fault Insurance Involved – Including Auto Accident/Other |
03 | Accident/Tort Liability |
04 | Accident/ Employment Related |
What is purpose of occurrence code?
The code that identifies a significant event relating to an institutional claim or encounter record that may affect payer processing. These codes are associated with a specific date (the claim related occurrence date).
What is an occurrence code 24?
Reported with VC 14 or 47. If filing for a Conditional Payment, report with Occurrence Code 24. 03. Accident/Tort Liability – Date of an accident/injury resulting from a third party’s action that may involve a civil court action in an attempt to require payment by third party, other than No-Fault.
What is an occurrence code 11?
Occurrence Code: 11 Occurrence Code: 11. Date the patient first became aware of the symptoms or illness being treated. Date the patient first became aware of the symptoms or illness being treated.
What is occurrence code UB04?
Event codes are two alpha- numeric digits, and dates are six numeric digits (MMDDYY). When occurrence codes 01-04 and 24 are entered, the provider must make sure the entry includes the appropriate value code in FLs 39-41, if there is another payer involved. Occurrence and occurrence span codes are mutually exclusive.
What does condition code 43 mean?
Condition Code 43 may be used to indicate that Home Care was started more than three days after discharge from the Hospital and therefore payment will be based on the MS-DRG and not a per diem payment.
What is occurrence code on ub04?
What are condition codes on ub04?
Condition codes refer to specific form locators in the UB-04 form that demand to describe the conditions applicable to the billing period. It is important to note that condition codes are situational. These codes should be entered in an alphanumeric sequence.