What is an example of generous?

The definition of generous is kind and giving, or a large amount. An example of generous is a small business giving their employees an end of year bonus. An example of generous is a plate piled high with food. Noble in behaviour or actions; principled, not petty; kind, magnanimous.

What does generous mean in a sentence?

generous adjective (CHARACTER) B1. willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially more than is usual or expected: a very generous man. [ + to infinitive ] It was generous of you to lend me the money. She’s been very generous with her time.

What is a generous person?

adjective. A generous person is friendly, helpful, and willing to see the good qualities in someone or something. He was always generous in sharing his enormous knowledge. Synonyms: magnanimous, kind, noble, benevolent More Synonyms of generous.

How do you say you are generous?

Synonyms & Antonyms of generous

  1. bighearted,
  2. bounteous,
  3. bountiful,
  4. charitable,
  5. free,
  6. freehanded,
  7. freehearted,
  8. fulsome,

How can I be generous examples?

10 inspiring acts of generosity

  1. ​Buying a stranger’s wedding dress.
  2. ​Ending a tough commute.
  3. ​Helping a homeless Good Samaritan.
  4. ​Buying someone a meal.
  5. ​Giving away valuable jewelry.
  6. ​Leaving a huge restaurant tip.
  7. ​Donating a massive cash prize.
  8. ​Buying someone else’s groceries.

How do you say someone is generous?

  1. altruistic,
  2. beneficent,
  3. benevolent,
  4. hospitable,
  5. humanitarian,
  6. philanthropic.
  7. (also philanthropical)

How can a person be generous?

Generosity also involves giving not just anything, but rather those things that are good for others. What exactly generosity gives can vary: money, possessions, time, attention, aid, encouragement, emotional availability, and more. But it always intends to enhance the true wellbeing of the receiver.

Is it good to be generous?

Not only does generosity reduce stress, support one’s physical health, enhance one’s sense of purpose, and naturally fight depression, it is also shown to increase one’s lifespan.

How do you describe someone who is kind and generous?

If you describe someone as kind-hearted, you mean that they are kind, caring, and generous. He was a warm, generous and kind-hearted man.

What is a good sentence for generous?

This restaurant is known for its generous portions. a generous helping of mashed potatoes She has a generous heart. He has generous sympathy for unemployed workers. Recent Examples on the Web And so this very childish part of ourselves has to fantasize our mother as a good mother who’s bountiful and generous with her bounty and loving.

What are the characteristics of a generous person?

The truly generous give more of their possessions to those in need than the stingy, even though they may often get nothing in return for it. Nothing is more generous than the heart of a young child, who will often share more of their favorite food or toy than any adult would in a similar situation.

What is the meaning of generosity?

c : characterized by a noble or kindly spirit : magnanimous, kindly a generous heart 2 archaic : highborn 1 : freely giving or sharing She was generous with her time. 2 : providing more than enough of what is needed : abundant a generous supply

What is an example of a generous pardon in the Bible?

Equally praiseworthy is the generous pardon that the emperor, after much intercession, granted to the seditious people of Antioch, who, out of anger at the growing imposts, had beaten down the imperial statues of their city (387). My respect is the more generous that I have no sympathy with him, only an admiration.”