What are the responsibilities of a village administrator?

(A) The Village Administrator shall be the chief administrative officer of the village and shall be responsible to the President and to the Board of Trustees for the administration and operation of all the affairs and the departments of the village.

What is the role of Vao in Tamilnadu?

VAO is the administrative head of the Village which warrants a lot of respect among the public. Maintaining Land and Revenue Records is also a very important aspect of this post. Therefore, making it a very important and crucial aspect of village administration. Tax collection is a part of the job description also.

What is the salary of Vao in Tamilnadu?

Ans. The minimum salary for the TNPSC VAO Salary is Rs. 5,200 – 20,200/- + 2,400- Grade Pay with Pay Band 1. Various allowances are also provided to the candidates.

How many village administrative officers are there in Tamilnadu?

There are 17,662 Revenue villages in Tamil Nadu.

What is village administration?

Village Administration means a locally elected council of representatives in a village or sub-zoba, established pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Proclamation No.

What is the salary of a village administrator?

Town administrator salary is similar to a village administrator salary. A village administrator salary in Kenya is an average of Ksh. 74,998 per month including all allowances such as housing, medical, and other benefits.

What are the powers of Vao?

Duties and Responsibilities of Village administrative Officer(VAO) VAO is responsible for collecting Land tax, Panchayat Taxes and other dues . VAO is responsible and maintain peace in Village, he should inform any violence, unnatural death , caste fight, encroachment , Natural calamities, etc to the Higher Officials.

What is the duty of VAO officer?

Village Administrative Officer or VAO is the basic v level administrative functionary. He is assisted by one village assistant. Reporting Functions : Reporting higher authorities about important happenings in the village such as unnatural death, caste feud, objectionable encroachments etc. Certificate Issue to farmers.

How do I become a village administrative officer?

Must have passes S.S.L.C public examination or ist equivalent with eligibility for admission to higher secondary courses of studies or to college courses of studies. Note: The applicants who have not passed S.S.L.C examination or its equivalent are not eligible even if they possess a higher qualification.

What is meant by UDR Patta?

1) “Updating Registry Scheme” (UDR) was formatted by the Tamil Nadu Government under which revenue officials conducted a survey and issued Patta to the actual holders of lands to whom Patta was granted under the UDR scheme was granted. 2) The issuance of Patta signifies only prima facie possession over the property.

Who was the head of village administration?

Sarpanch is the head of village administration.