Where are the fires burning in South Australia?

A very large bushfire has burned a considerable portion of the western half of Kangaroo Island south of Adelaide, South Australia. The police say the only safe places from the Ravine Fire are on the east end of the 88-mile long island in the Kingscote and Penneshaw communities.

Why is there smoke over Adelaide?

SMOKE from bushfires burning in Victoria has drifted over Adelaide, causing a strong smell over the city and many surrounding areas. The Metropolitan Fire Service has received numerous triple-0 calls this morning from residents across Adelaide and as far north as the Barossa Valley reporting smoke in the area.

Is it a fire ban in South Australia today?

Restrictions on fires under the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 will apply throughout South Australia from the dates listed below….Fire Danger Season Dates.

Fire Ban District Start Date Finish Date
Upper South East 15 November 2021 15 April 2022
West Coast 1 November 2021 15 April 2022

Is there a fire ban in Adelaide today?

These restrictions are escalated when a Total Fire Ban Day is declared….Fire Danger Season Dates.

Fire Ban District Start Date Finish Date
Adelaide Metropolitan 1 December 2021 30 April 2022
Eastern Eyre Peninsula 1 November 2021 15 April 2022
Flinders 1 November 2021 15 April 2022
Kangaroo Island 1 December 2021 30 April 2022

What is the air quality in Adelaide today?

Adelaide CBD Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality Index (AQI)

Current Max
PM2.5 AQI 8 51
PM10 AQI 5 18
NO2 AQI 1 12
CO AQI 59 69

How is Kangaroo Island now?

By the end of January 2020, almost half of Kangaroo Island had been reduced to desolate sandy hills and charred branches. In the southwest, 96 per cent of Flinders Chase National Park—one of Australia’s oldest national parks—was burnt.

Can I have a fire in South Australia?

All campfires are banned on Total Fire Ban Days. All wood and solid fuel barbecues (kettle type, eg “Webber” barbecues) are banned Total Fire Ban Days.

Are open fires legal?

There are no laws against bonfires but to minimise nuisance, follow the rules of bonfires. Be considerate towards your neighbours when lighting bonfires and barbecues and make sure not to cause a smoke nuisance.