How many family planning clinics are there in NZ?

30 permanent clinics
Family Planning New Zealand runs 30 permanent clinics which offer a range of sexual and reproductive health services.

What is family planning NZ?

Family Planning provides sexual and reproductive health services from 30 clinics across New Zealand. Anyone can come to a Family Planning Clinic – many have drop in sessions with no need for an appointment. Our clinical services are free for New Zealand residents under 22 years.

Which country has the best family planning?

Champions of international family planning In terms of total amount, the UK comes out on top with almost 204 million Euros spent, followed by Norway (146 million), the Netherlands (142 million), and Sweden (131 million).

Is contraception free in NZ?

All contraceptives and services are free for women who are New Zealand citizens or residents and live within the ADHB area. For more information on your contraception options, take a look at our contraception options leaflet [PDF, 492 KB]. We also offer pregnancy testing, STI and cervical screening.

Can you walk into family planning?

How old do I need to be to visit a Family Planning clinic? Do I need permission from my parents? Anyone, of any age, can visit Family Planning.

Do you have to pay for family planning?

Cost: Appointment cost and $5 prescription charge. Without a prescription, ECP usually costs between $35 and $50 from a pharmacy. If you come to a Family Planning clinic, you may be given ECP at the time so there will be no prescription charge.

What countries is birth control free?

North America is the only continent where the pill is free or subsidized everywhere. In Western Europe, most countries offer a full or partial subsidy for the pill, but Spain and Ireland – two countries with strong Catholic roots – offer none.

Which country has the lowest rate of contraceptive use?

The lowest levels of use can be found in many of the world’s poorest countries, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where fewer than 15 percent of married women of reproductive age use a modern method.

How much is IUD in NZ?

The IUD is free, for New Zealand residents, but you may need to pay a $5 prescription fee.

How much is the morning after pill in NZ?

Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP) You can buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription. This will cost between $35 and $50. *These costs are for New Zealand residents.

What are disadvantages of family planning?

Disadvantages: Natural family planning does not protect against STIs such as chlamydia or HIV. You’ll need to avoid sex, or use contraception such as condoms, during the time you might get pregnant, which some couples can find difficult.

Is Mirena free in NZ?