What does mean by festoon?
What does mean by festoon?
1 : a decorative chain or strip hanging between two points walls decorated with festoons of flowers. 2 : a carved, molded, or painted ornament representing a decorative chain Around the mirror were carved festoons of grapevines. festoon. verb. festooned; festooning; festoons.
What does festooned mean in dentistry?
the scalloped appearance of the gums where they meet the teeth. a design carved on the base material of a denture to simulate this.
Is Feston a word?
noun A stitch in embroidery by which a scalloped edge is produced, as for a skirt.
What is a festoon in architecture?
swag, also called Festoon, in architecture and decoration, carved ornamental motif consisting of stylized flowers, fruit, foliage, and cloth, tied together with ribbons that sag in the middle and are attached at both ends.
What is a festoon under the eye?
Some people call them puffy eyes or severe bags, but Festoons, or Molar Mounds, are skin folds that swell and sag below the lower eyelids and upper cheek area. Often Festoons look like a drape that is hung from one corner of the eye to another, with the lowest part hanging on the cheek.
What is a gingival festoon?
a. the scalloped appearance of the gums where they meet the teeth.
What is bulbous gingiva?
Gingival enlargement or overgrowth is a common disease of gingiva. The causative factors may range from inflammation due to local factors to conditioned enlargement and neoplastic enlargements. They commonly present as bulbous interdental gingival, diffuse swelling of gingival.
What is a festoon in geography?
Description. Festoon geometry or festoon bedding refers to a variety of trough cross-lamination or cross-bedding in sedimentary deposits, which form elongate, semi-ellipsoidal, eroded, plunging troughs or scoop-like structures filled by sets of thin laminae conforming in general to the shape of the troughs.
What is a crane festoon?
A festoon electrification system utilizes flat or round cable on a trolley traveling on a C track, square rail, or an I-beam. This method of overhead crane electrification provides direct contact, which provides greater resistance to wear on the system’s components.
How do I get rid of festoons on my face?
Cautery and Injections of caustic components have been used as well with mixed results. My approach to treat festoons involve using lasers to injury the sun damaged skin that caused the festoons and malar mounds and then allowing the body to heal the injury with new collagen and elastic fibers.
How do you get rid of festoons?
Botox and steroid injections can also be used to treat festoons if the cause behind them is due to muscle laxity or excess fatty tissue. However, the most common and effective treatment option we recommend is SOOF Lift treatment combined with a form of skin resurfacing such as a peel or laser treatment.