Which province has the highest rate of diabetes in Canada?

Estimated 179,000 people in the province live with pre-diabetes, diabetes, or are undiagnosed. Newfoundland and Labrador still tops the list with the highest rates of diabetes in the country, according to a new report from the Canadian Diabetes Association.

What is glooko used for?

Glooko offers a unified diabetes management platform which brings together diabetes data (blood glucose levels, diet, fitness, biometrics, insulin and medication data) for patients and their healthcare providers.

Why are indigenous people predisposed to diabetes?

A genetic risk factor, called the “thrifty gene effect”, 42 has been hypothesized to increase diabetes rates in the Aboriginal populations. The theory suggests that as a protective response to regular periods of starvation, individuals of Aboriginal descent are genetically predisposed to conserve calories.

What is the best treatment for diabetic dermopathy?

There’s no known treatment for diabetic dermopathy, but the good news is that the skin patches themselves are harmless. Researchers aren’t sure if better diabetes management and having better blood sugars help improve the patches after someone already has them.

What does diabetic legs look like?

Also known as “shin spots,” the hallmark of diabetic dermopathy is light brown, scaly patches of skin, often occurring on the shins. These patches may be oval or circular. They’re caused by damage to the small blood vessels that supply the tissues with nutrition and oxygen.

How does Glooko make money?

Finally, Glooko makes money from its mobile app, where individuals pay $59.95 a year. “Our preference is that every person with diabetes has access to Glooko for free, through their health system, insurer, or diabetes device manufacturer.

How do I sync my dexcom with Glooko?

Go to my.glooko.com in your web browser, and log into your Glooko account. Click the drop-down menu at the top-right of your Glooko web app, then select Settings. Scroll down to the Apps & Devices section and click Connect Dexcom Account. Enter your Dexcom Username and Password, then click Login.