What is the highest corn yield ever recorded?

616 bushels per acre
David Hula is no stranger to high yielding fields. This season, he shattered the world corn yield record of 542 bushels per acre – which was also set by Hula in 2017 – with 616 bushels per acre.

What is the average corn yield in Illinois?

Corn: Planted area is estimated at 11.0 million acres, down 3 percent from last year. Harvested area, forecast at 10.8 million acres, is down 3 percent from 2020. Based on October 1 conditions, the Illinois corn yield is forecast at a record 210 bushels per acre, up 19 bushels from 2020.

What is the average yield of corn per acre in Illinois?

The tour three-year average for corn yields in Illinois is 184.4 bu. per acre. The final USDA corn yield for Illinois in 2020 was 192 bu.

What are the top 5 corn producing counties in Illinois?

The top five county average corn yields in Illinois for 2020 are as follows: Menard (216.3 bushels per acre), Peoria (214.7), Stark (212.4), Piatt (211.7) and Warren (211.1).

What is the record corn yield per acre?

616.19 bushels per acre
The National Corn Growers Association 2019 National Corn Yield Contest produced the highest yield on record at 616.19 bushels per acre grown by David Hula of Charles City, Virginia.

What will corn prices do in 2021?

The WASDE forecast for the season average price of corn for 2021/22 was $5.45 per bushel at the time of this writing. This is the price that is relevant for projecting total acreage for 2022.

What is a good corn yield per acre?

USDA is estimating 2021 total U.S. corn acreage harvested for grain at 84.5 million acres, which compares to 82.5 million acres in 2020. The latest crop report projects the national average corn yield in 2021 at 174.8 bushels per acre, which is a decline of 4.9 bushels per acre from the NASS yield estimate in July.

What state has the highest corn yield per acre?

Corn Yield Per Acre by State: Top 11 of 2017

Yield Rankings: 2017
Rank State Yield (bu/ac)
1 Washington 225
2 Oregon 212
3 Idaho 203

Which county produces the most corn in the US?

McLean, IL
Corn Production by County: Top 33 of 2017

County Production Rankings: 2017
Rank County, State Production (M bu)
1 McLean, IL 68.3
2 Iroquois, IL 63.9
3 Kossuth, IA 63.3

How much did a bushel of corn cost in 2020?

Corn Prices – 59 Year Historical Chart

Corn Prices – Historical Annual Data
Year Average Closing Price Year Close
2021 $5.7491 $5.9325
2020 $3.6393 $4.8400
2019 $3.8544 $3.8775