What is the trend in reactivity in group 2?

The overall trend, for the reactivity of Group 2 metals with water, is an increase down the group. The outer electrons are easier to remove as they are further from the nucleus and there is more shielding resulting in a lower nuclear attraction.

What are 2 trends we see on the periodic table?

Major periodic trends include: electronegativity, ionization energy, electron affinity, atomic radius, melting point, and metallic character. Periodic trends, arising from the arrangement of the periodic table, provide chemists with an invaluable tool to quickly predict an element’s properties.

What is the trend in melting point down group 2?

The general melting point decreases as we move down the group, this is because of the changing forces of attraction for the differing elements. Down the group, the electrons are further from the nuclei of the increasingly large positive ions. This makes the metallic bonding weaker, reducing the melting temperature.

What is special about group 2 on the periodic table?

The elements that are in group 2 of the periodic table are called alkaline earth metals. They are called alkaline metals as they form an alkaline solution when mixed with water. They are known as earth metals as their oxides do not dissolve in water and do not heat.

What decreases down group 2?

Ionisation energies decrease down the group. This is because each element down group 2 has an extra electron shell, so the outer shell electrons are further away from the nucleus which ultimately means a reduced nuclear attraction (the attraction between the positive nucleus and negative electrons).

What is the trend of solubility in group 2?

Group II metal hydroxides become more soluble in water as you go down the column. This trend can be explained by the decrease in the lattice energy of the hydroxide salt and by the increase in the coordination number of the metal ion as you go down the column.

What are the 4 trends in the periodic table?

There are four main periodic trends: electronegativity, atomic size, ionization energy, and electron affinity.

What are 3 trends on the periodic table?

Periodic trends are patterns in elements on the periodic table. Major trends are electronegativity, ionization energy, electron affinity, atomic radius, and metallic character.

What is the trend of density in group 2?

The group 2 elements do exhibit some anomalies, however. For example, the density of Ca is less than that of Be and Mg, the two lightest members of the group, and Mg has the lowest melting and boiling points.

What trend if any exists for the activity of group 2 metals?

The suggestion here is that the chemical reactivity of the elements increase as you go down group 2 from top to bottom. That is, since it requires less energy to remove the two valence electrons as you go down the group, the chemical activity of these elements will increase going down the group.

What is the trend of ionization energy in group 2?