Why is King Polydectes angry?
Why is King Polydectes angry?
Annoyed by Perseus, Polydectes comes up with a plan to get rid of Perseus and free the way for the king of Seriphos to marry Danae.
What did Polydectes do?
Polydectes was the king of the island of Seriphos in Greek mythology, son of Magnes and a Naiad; or Peristhenes and Androthoe; or Poseidon and Cerebia. He was the ruler of the island when Danae and her son Perseus were washed ashore and his brother Dictys saved them.
What did King Polydectes do to Perseus?
After Perseus had grown up on the island of Seriphus, where the chest had grounded, King Polydectes of Seriphus, who desired Danaƫ, tricked Perseus into promising to obtain the head of Medusa, the only mortal among the Gorgons.
Why did King Polydectes hate Perseus?
King Polydectes Falls in Love Perseus wanted to protect his mother, and Polydectes knew Perseus would protect her at all costs.
What happened to Polydectes?
Perseus eventually swore to never kill his grandfather, but Polydectes soon died and at his funeral games Perseus accidentally hit Acrisius with a discus, which resulted in Acrisius’ death.
Who is Polydectes in the story of Gorgons head?
The king of Seriphos, Polydectes, has heard of the beauty of Danae and wants her as his concubine. But fearing the protective wrath of her son, he sends Perseus on a suicide mission. Perseus is sent to kill the Gorgon Medusa. The Gorgons are three sisters too terrifying to behold.
Why did Perseus turn Polydectes into stone?
Back in Seriphos, upon learning that he had harassed his mother, Perseus turned Polydectes into stone. Afterward, accidentally, he killed his grandfather Acrisius as well, thus fulfilling the prophecy which caused his wanderings in the first place.
Why does King Polydectes ask Perseus to bring him the head of Medusa?
Why does King Polydectes ask Perseus to bring him the head of Medusa? He thinks having it will protect his kingdom from Zeus. He hopes having it will make Danae fall in love with him. He thinks asking for it will urge Perseus to give him a better gift.
How did Perseus get revenge on Polydectes?
How did Perseus get revenge on King Polydectes for holding his mother prisoner? He got revenge by showing him Medusa’s head and turning him to stone.