What games can you make on PowerPoint?

Types of Powerpoint Games:

  • Tic- Tac- Toe. When you open the template, you will see nine numbered squares.
  • Quiz Questions. Included templates for four answers, six answers and eight answers.
  • Battleships. When you open the template, you will see twenty-eight squares labelled ‘WORD.
  • Football Game.
  • 8.Jeopardy.

What are good activities for presentations?

5 Interactive games for your presentation

  • The Memory-style game. This game helps your audience to memorize the new concepts that you introduced and to check how well they remembered those concepts at the same time.
  • The Dice game.
  • Word Cloud game.
  • Sort it out game.
  • Four corners game.
  • Two truths and a lie.
  • Introductions game.

How do you present a game?

How to Pitch Your Game

  1. The past experience of your leadership team, even if that’s just you.
  2. A one-sentence description of your game that includes the “hook” or unique selling proposition (USP).
  3. A brief synopsis of the game story.
  4. A clear description of the gameplay loop.
  5. A short list of key features.

What is a PowerPoint game?

Powerpoint Karaoke (also called Powerpoint Roulette or Battledecks) is an improv game where you give a presentation from a slide deck you’ve never seen. It’s a game that tests your skills, gets people laughing, and keeps everyone wondering what will happen next.

How do you make a virtual presentation fun?

11 Fun Virtual Presentation Ideas to Boost Engagement

  1. Engaging Virtual Presentation Ideas You Can Apply Now.
  2. Idea #1. Start with an Icebreaker.
  3. Idea #2. Engage with Your Camera.
  4. Idea #3. Come Up with Some Games.
  5. Idea #4. Use a Virtual Background.
  6. Idea #5. Keep It Short.
  7. Idea #6. Humor Is Key.
  8. Idea #7. Make a Q&A.

How do you write a game pitch?

How do you write a video game proposal?

I suggest the following outline.

  1. Brief statement of game concept. Start with a one-sentence overview of the key game idea.
  2. Explanation of novel idea. Provide a more detailed explanation of what is novel in this game.
  3. Outline of gameplay.
  4. Target platform.
  5. Development tools to be used.
  6. Group coordination plan.