How do I filter protocols in Wireshark?

To only display packets containing a particular protocol, type the protocol name in the display filter toolbar of the Wireshark window and press enter to apply the filter. Figure 6.8, “Filtering on the TCP protocol” shows an example of what happens when you type tcp in the display filter toolbar.

How do I filter RTP packets in Wireshark?


  1. On the Wireshark packet list, right mouse click on one of UDP packet.
  2. Select Decode As menu.
  3. On the Decode As window, select Transport menu on the top.
  4. Select Both on the middle of UDP port(s) as section.
  5. On the right protocol list, select RTP in order to the selected session to be decoded as RTP.

How can I trace a SIP call?

A key component of the sip message. Its tells us the time of the sip request. The Call-ID header field is an identifier used to keep track of a particular SIP session….

v=0 Version Number
s=SIP Call Call Subject
c=IN IP4 Connection/IP address for RTP stream
t=0 0 time
m=audio 25268 RTP/AVP 18 101 Media

What protocols does Wireshark support?

Wireshark can read live data from Ethernet, Token-Ring, FDDI, serial (PPP and SLIP) (if the OS on which it’s running allows Wireshark to do so), 802.11 wireless LAN (if the OS on which it’s running allows Wireshark to do so), ATM connections (if the OS on which it’s running allows Wireshark to do so), and the “any” …

How do I see SIP traffic in Wireshark?

Activate the interfaces from the menu. Go to the menu option Capture > Interface. Now select the network interface on which the traffic is being sent and received (be sure to select the correct one) and click on the start button. Traffic will now be captured.

What is SIP trace?

The SIP Trace page is a log window which displays the SIP signaling. It becomes very important when analyzing the functionality of the phone and is very helpful on for trouble shooting support request.

How does Wireshark identify protocols?

Wireshark will first look at the link-layer type value and call the appropriate dissector for that. That dissector will determine what the next protocol to dissect is; for example, with Ethernet, it’ll look at the Ethernet type value (for packets with a type value) and call the appropriate dissector for that.