Will a titanium ring tarnish?

Unlike other metals, titanium will not corrode or tarnish. Titanium can maintain a beautifully polished shine for a lifetime. Whenever it is necessary, polish the ring’s surface to rejuvenate the shine. Titanium wedding rings are available in a wide variety of finishes and styles.

What does a titanium wedding ring mean?

There are many reasons why titanium and tungsten wedding rings have become so widely popular within the past decade. These metals’ strength, comfort and durability is one of the main reasons men and women invest their money and love into them. They do not tarnish and are hypoallergenic for even the most sensitive skin.

How long will titanium rings last?

a lifetime
While it’s recommended that your titanium ring be cleaned, polished and removed during extreme situations, this metal will never rust and resist fading. The anticipated longevity of your titanium rings is a lifetime.

Can you shower with a titanium ring?

Titanium is rust and corrosion resistant. Pure titanium is completely waterproof and can be exposed to salt water and chlorinated swimming pool water safely. High-quality titanium rings use commercially pure titanium (99%) which means that you can wear these rings in the shower, in a swimming pool, and in the ocean.

Can I shower with my titanium ring?

Showering/Bathing with Jewelry If your jewelry is gold, silver, platinum, palladium, stainless steel, or titanium, you’re safe to shower with it. Other metals like copper, brass, bronze, or other base metals shouldn’t go in the shower as they can turn your skin green.

Does titanium ring scratch easily?

Titanium is durable but it is not scratch resistant. Titanium will scratch just like any other metals. The difference is: on titanium (hardest grade Ti-6/6/2) scratches will be very shallow, just barely on the surface and can be easily buffed out. Gold and platinum rings will scratch much deeper.

Is titanium better than platinum?

Durability and Malleability Both metals are durable but it is easier to remove marks from platinum than from titanium. Titanium is one of the hardest natural metals and will not bend, dent, or scratch easily, making it last a lifetime and beyond.