How does Laertes react to the death of his father?

When Laertes discovers that his father is dead, he is outraged. When Hamlet learns from the ghost of his father’s murder, he weeps, and promises action, though he delivers none.

How did Hamlet behave after the death of his father?

Hamlet reacts with devastation to the death of his father. He grieves the old king, and he continues to be in mourning despite the fact that the court has moved on. This includes his own mother, who has remarried within two months of being widowed.

How are Hamlet and Laertes different in their response actions to avenge their father’s death?

Laertes’ unplanned action causes his death by his own sword, while Hamlet’s apparent inaction finally gets him the revenge that Laertes has attempted. Though Laertes’ grief at his father’s death causes his action, Hamlet’s grief for his father has more power.

How does Laertes respond to Hamlet Why?

how does the killing of hamlet/laertes go? laertes scratches hamlet from behind as he’s walking away. hamlet gets mad and they fight, exchange swords, and scratches laertes. when hamlet sees gertrude fall and asks claudius if she’s ok, what does he say?

What is Hamlet reaction to experiencing death?

The death of King Hamlet greatly affected Hamlet, especially because to him it seemed as though he was the only one who truly cared that his father died. Hamlet mourns his father’s death, “But two months dead—nay, not so much, not two!” (1, 2, l. 138).

How does Hamlet deal with grief?

Hamlet never seems to stop grieving, but instead becomes preoccupied with his mission to kill King Claudius, given to him by the ghost of his father. I think Hamlet uses this mission to help deal with the grief he is feeling in hopes that he it will help him get over his father’s death if he avenges it.

How are Hamlet and Laertes different?

Both Hamlet and Laertesare impulsive characters, but Hamlet is more of a thinker while Laertes is more of a straightaway doer. Hamlet waits for the right time to come to seek vengeance while Laertes runs straightway with a sword to King Claudius.

How does Laertes demonstrate the level of his grief over Ophelia’s death?

He is upset that his sister is not receiving a full and proper Christian burial. How does Laertes demonstrate the level of his grief over Ophelia’s death? What does Hamlet insist at Ophelia’s funeral? His grief for Ophelia is forty thousand times that of Laertes’ grief.

What is Laertes response?

What is Laertes’ response to the priest? The priest refuses to give Ophelia more; Laertes’ grief is also full of anger. He believes that Ophelia is more virtuous than most and deserves a better ceremony.

What does Hamlet believe about his father’s death?

What does Hamlet believe about his father’s death before he meets the ghost? Hamlet belives his father’s death was no more than a tragic accident. He believed that his father was stung by a poisonious snake while sleeping in the garden.

How does Hamlet feel about his father?

He views his father not only as the noble King of Denmark he was, but also admires him and views him as his own personal king. This type of love that Hamlet portrays for his father is certainly in the category of the “bove”.