Which prism is used in Applanation tonometer?

Tonosafe™ is a disposable measuring prism for all Goldmann applanation tonometers as well as the Perkins tonometer. Tonosafe™ disposable prisms are a convenient, effective method of reducing the risk of cross infection between patients.

What is the principle of applanation tonometry?

Applanation tonometry is based on the Imbert-Fick principle, which states that the pressure inside an ideal, dry, thin-walled sphere equals the force necessary to flatten its surface divided by the area of flattening (P = F/A, where P = pressure, F = force and A = area).

What is a tonometer prism?

CATS® Tonometer Prism features a unique, patented, dual-curved surface design that successfully reduces measurement errors caused by corneal biomechanics, corneal thickness, and tear film, which affect a large percentage of patients.

What is Applanation in ophthalmology?

Applanation is a method for checking eye pressure. The idea is that you measure the amount of force it takes to flatten a predetermined area of cornea, and use this to estimate the internal eye pressure. We use the Goldmann applanation tonometer to do this.

How do you calibrate an Applanation tonometer?

Calibration is done at dial positions 0, 2, and 6 (equivalent to 0, 20, and 60 mmHg, respectively). Please note that this procedure is only intended to verify the accuracy of the instrument. If the tonometer is inaccurate at any of these dial positions, it should be returned to the manufacturer for recalibration.

What is a Pneumatonometer?

The Reichert Model 30™ Pneumatonometer is an easy to use instrument that provides fast and accurate tonometry and optional tonography functions. The probe tip, which floats on an air bearing, is gently touched to the anesthetized cornea and a precisely regulated flow of filtered air applies force to the tip.

Who invented applanation tonometer?

von Graefe developed the first instrument for measuring intraocular pressure in 1865. The first reasonably accurate instrument was the Maklakoff applanation tonometer of the late 19th century; it was in widespread use throughout Eastern Europe until relatively recently.

What are the types of tonometer?


High Ocular Rigidity Low Ocular Rigidity
High Hyperopia Extreme Myopia Chronic Glaucoma Vasoconstrictor therapy High Myopia Miotic therapy (especially cholinesterase inhibitors) After retinal detachment surgery Intravitreal injection of gas Vasodilator therapy

How do you measure IOP by applanation tonometry?


  1. Instil the local anaesthetic drops and then the fuorescein.
  2. For measuring the IOP in the right eye, make sure the slit beam is shining onto the tonometer head from the patient’s right side; for the left eye, the beam should come from the patient’s left side.

How do you check tonometer calibration?

Calibration at dial position 0

  1. At dial position 0, the feeler arm should be in free movement. If the dial is turned backwards a small distance (to the equivalent of position −0.05), the arm should fall towards the examiner.
  2. If the arm does not respond in the above way, the tonometer is inaccurate at dial position 0.

How do you clean Applanation tonometer?

The Goldmann applanation prism tip can be wiped with gauze soaked in 70% isopropyl alcohol and then dried before use. Gonioscopes should be cleaned in running water, wiped with gauze soaked in 70% isopropyl alcohol, and then dried before use.