What does one week and counting mean?

phrase. If you say and counting after a number or an amount of something, you mean that the number or amount is continuing to increase.

What does 10 years and counting mean?

Generally, this phrase means that ten years have gone by and more are to come, but if you could provide an entire sentence we may be able to be more precise.

What does 7 years and counting mean?

phrase. Used to say that a figure is constantly increasing. ‘nearly seven years later (and counting), Hackett remains undefeated’

What does the term in counting mean?

: to plan to include (someone) in an activity : to consider (someone) as one of the people who will be doing something “Do you want to go to the beach with us?” “Yes! Count me in!”

What does days and counting mean?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English and countingespecially spoken used to say that an amount is continuing to increase At eight days and counting, this is the longest strike so far.

How do you count in 3 days?

But people often take today to be the first day of the count, so if on Monday someone says “within 3 days” they are thinking day 1=today, Monday; day 2=Tuesday, day 3=Wednesday.

What does Days and counting mean?

What is the opposite of counting?

Opposite of to tally, total or count arithmetically. subtract.

What does 2 years and counting mean?

used for saying that a number is continuing to increase as time passes. So far we’ve had over 4,000 calls, and counting.

How do you use counting in a sentence?

(1) I’m counting the days till I see you again. (2) Love is not a matter of counting the days. It’s making the days count.

What does counting the days mean?

phrase. DEFINITIONS1. to wait for something that you want very much to happen. I’m counting the days until I see you again. Synonyms and related words.

How do you count in 7 days?

If I ask to have something down “within a day” I mean 24 hours from now – today is day 0 and tomorrow is day 1, the day that it is due. So “within 7 days” means it is due on day 7, counting today as day 0.