What is virtual brand communities?

Virtual brand community (VBC) is a specialized, non-geographically bound community based on a structured set of social relationships among followers of a brand.

What is an example of a virtual brand community?

Alongside Lego message boards, Lego Ideas is a creative online community for enthusiasts of the famous toy sets, allowing users to find and submit ideas for new designs. As well as promoting the sharing of ideas, it also incorporates a competition element whereby fans can vote and offer feedback.

What is a virtual community in marketing?

A virtual community can provide compelling benefits for the marketer: The opportunity to engage a loyal audience of members in an online environment where they feel secure, in control and open to commercial solicitation in their areas of interest.

What are the benefits of online communities?

8 Benefits of Branded Online Communities

  • Create real connections.
  • Stand out from the competition with a better customer experience.
  • Generate leads and acquire new members.
  • Improve your products and programs by gathering and addressing feedback.
  • Decrease support costs by crowdsourcing support.

Is Apple a brand community?

1. Apple. Building an amazing brand community was what took Apple from near bankruptcy in 1997 to being the leading contender in the race to become the first Trillion-Dollar Company in 2018.

What are the types of virtual community?

The six types of online communities you should know about

  • Knowledge and learning communities.
  • Expert networks and advisory communities.
  • Event communities.
  • Membership communities.
  • Brand communities.
  • Communities of action.

How do you create a virtual community?

Here are the 7 steps to build your own online community.

  1. Identify key stakeholders for the online community.
  2. Define the purpose and goal.
  3. Select a community platform.
  4. Build a member profile.
  5. Develop rules and norms.
  6. Set up your community.
  7. Identify key stakeholders for the online community.
  8. Promote your community.

How do you create an online brand community?

How to build a successful brand community

  1. Define your brand. If you want to build a community around your brand, you need to know what your brand is.
  2. Define your brand goal and metrics.
  3. Choose a community platform.
  4. Regularly engage with your brand community.

What is a brand community example?

LEGO Ideas is the ultimate example of a successful brand community. The community has over 1.8 million members connecting over their love of creating and building with LEGO products. Since March of last year, over half a million new members have joined the community.

What are the characteristics of virtual communities?

Virtual communities are social aggregations that emerge from the Net when enough people carry on those public discussions long enough, with sufficient human feeling, to form webs of personal relationships in cyberspace.