What is a voracious person?

Voracious describes someone super hungry, like a zombie or a wolf. A voracious appetite makes you want to eat a whole cake.

What is a synonym voracious?

Some common synonyms of voracious are gluttonous, rapacious, and ravenous. While all these words mean “excessively greedy,” voracious applies especially to habitual gorging with food or drink.

What does Veraciously mean?

1 : truthful, honest. 2 : marked by truth : accurate. Other Words from veracious Synonyms & Antonyms Veracious or voracious? Example Sentences Learn More About veracious.

What is voracious sentence?

Definition of Voracious. having a large appetite; greedy. Examples of Voracious in a sentence. 1. The football player was a voracious eater who easily consumed two chickens during one meal.

What is the opposite of voracious?

Opposite of showing a keen desire or enthusiasm. apathetic. indifferent. uneager. unenthusiastic.

How do you use veracious in a sentence?

Veracious Sentence Examples

  1. He will be veracious only so long as the consequences are not seriously injurious.
  2. What is put before us, whether by the senses or by the statements of others, is instinctively accepted as a veracious report, till experience has proved the i P oss P P P bility of deception.

How do you use veracious?

What do you call a person who always tells the truth?

Definitions of veracious. adjective. habitually speaking the truth. “a veracious witness” Synonyms: true, truthful.

How do you use voracity in a sentence?

Voracity sentence example

  1. He was distinguished by his huge body, strength and voracity .
  2. The worms increase in size with astonishing rapidity, and no less remarkable is their growing voracity .

What is a voracious reader?

If you describe a person, or their appetite for something, as voracious, you mean that they want a lot of something. […] [literary] voraciously adverb.

What does epicurean food mean?

1 : one with sensitive and discriminating tastes especially in food or wine. 2 archaic : one devoted to sensual pleasure : sybarite.

Is Veraciousness a word?

Correspondence with fact or truth: accuracy, correctness, exactitude, exactness, fidelity, truth, veracity, veridicality, verity.