Can I hyperlink to a specific page of a PDF file in Excel?


  1. Add the hyperlink path to the desired field in the attribute table of your data.
  2. Double-click the layer in the table of contents for which you want to define the hyperlink.
  3. Click the Display tab.
  4. Check Support Hyperlinks using field.
  5. Click the drop-down arrow and click a field.
  6. Select ‘Macro’.
  7. Click ‘Create’.

How do I create a link to open a PDF document at a specific page?

To target an HTML link to a specific page in a PDF file, add #page=[page number] to the end of the link’s URL. Note: If you use UNC server locations (\\servername\folder) in a link, set the link to open to a set destination using the procedure in the following section.

Can you open a PDF as a link?

Those who create Portable Document Format (PDF) files often embed a link into the document that will open a webpage for you, or send you to a different part of the PDF file itself. Usually you can open a link in a PDF file in Adobe Acrobat Reader by just moving your cursor over it and clicking your mouse.

How do I open a PDF in Excel in 2019?

Open the Excel file you want to insert a PDF into. Click on the “Insert” tab, “Pictures” and then “Picture from file.” Locate and double-click on the PDF you wish to insert into Excel.

How do you use hyperlinks in Excel?

Insert a Hyperlink

  1. Select the cell where you want the hyperlink.
  2. On the Excel Ribbon, click the Insert tab, and click the Hyperlink command. OR, right-click the cell, and click Link. OR, use the keyboard shortcut – Ctrl + K.

How do I create a hyperlink in Excel?

On a worksheet, select the cell where you want to create a link. On the Insert tab, select Hyperlink. You can also right-click the cell and then select Hyperlink… on the shortcut menu, or you can press Ctrl+K. Under Display Text:, type the text that you want to use to represent the link.

How do I convert a PDF to a URL?

PDF to HTML conversion.

  1. Open the file you want to convert in your PDF editor.
  2. Select the Create & Edit button on the right-side toolbar.
  3. Click Export PDF at the top of the window.
  4. Choose HTML Web Page and select your options.
  5. Click Export and choose the folder where you want to save your new page.

How do I create a link to a document?

Create a hyperlink to a file on your computer

  1. Select the text or picture that you want to display as a hyperlink.
  2. Press Ctrl+K.
  3. Under Link to, do one of the following: To link to an existing file, click Existing File or Web Page under Link to, and then find the file in the Look in list or the Current Folder list.

How do I create a link to a File?

Why can’t I embed a PDF in Excel?

If Excel displays an error message when you attempt to incorporate a PDF into your worksheet, you may have fallen afoul of an Adobe Reader Feature called Protected Mode. Designed to prevent malicious code from executing from a PDF file, this protective mode limits what PDFs can do.